Search Results for spirituality

Opting Out of Psychology?

Soren Dreier – If you opt out psychology, you will lose a valuable tool that provides insight into the Matrix and yourself.

Non-Duality and the Meaning of Religion

Hans Meijer – The challenge is to dive deep into your mind and to become aware of those aspects of your life where your self interest is contrary to the spiritual laws which sustain life.

The Veil is Thinning

Wes Annac – Meditation is a great way to explore the etheric abyss, but we don’t have to be rigid about it to glimpse spirit.

The Virtual Aether – “Empty Space” Gets an Upgrade

Brendan D. Murphy – Mainstream science tells us the Aether does not exist because it is not physical. However, mainstream science talks about “electrical currents” and “twisted magnetic field lines” as though they were physical objects…

The Inevitable Awakening

Zen Gardner – Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.

Cannabis, Consciousness and Common Sense

Wes Annac – Anyone who researches cannabis and spirituality will find consistent advice to use it respectfully, in a proper setting and with the proper intentions.

Transcend the Ego and the Illusion of the Self

Video – Author of Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion, describes the properties of consciousness and how mindfulness practices can be used to transcend one’s ego.

Is Matriotism The Future of The Divine Feminine?

Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith & Lucy Morales – What we communicate, and how, has the power to change the world. Just as importantly, language, its interpretation and its transformation over time reveals a lot about the collective consciousness of the society that speaks it.

GMO Music

Kit Walker – Let’s consider music as a kind of food, because we all agree, right? Music is food for the soul. Imagine a world with no music. Horrible. We would starve spiritually without music.

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