Search Results for spirituality

Australia Is Warming up to Medical Cannabis

Wes Annac – Australia has become the latest country to put medical marijuana to the test, and while they aren’t looking to legalize it quite yet, they’ve taken a significant step in that direction.

The Beginning Is Here

Zen Gardner – This awakening of empowered consciousness is upon us, and is transpiring at an accelerating pace, and something to be very encouraged about.

The Religion With No Name

Brian C. Muraresku – Before the rise of Churchianity, in the long-forgotten cradle of Western Civilization, our ancestors were also drawn to a spiritually independent lifestyle – free from any doctrine or dogma.

15 Plants That Teach Us Sacred Geometry

Josh Richardson – The role of the Fibonacci sequence in the growth of plants is an intriguing example of the unifying order behind all creation.

The Question of Consciousness

Brendan D. Murphy – Some scientists had taken the absurd position that consciousness is an illusion. But the question remains.

How to Hack the Placebo Effect

Keith Holden – Research on the placebo effect proves the amazing power of the mind in health and healing. How can you use this to improve your life?

Uncovering the Universe Within

Ida Lawrence – A growing number of people are turning their attention to the inside. Are you one of them?

The Science Behind Torsion Fields

Brendan D. Murphy – Torsion fields are generated by spin and/or by angular momentum; any object or particle that spins produces torsion waves and possesses its own unique torsion field.

Hope Shining Through the Cloud

Soren Dreier – Since nobody seems comfortable, with just letting the time pass without filling it up with ‘stuff,’ we go a bit astray maybe.

The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey

Frank M. Wanderer – The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this book is the chronicle of our wanderings.

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