There is No Normal
Linda George – There is no normal anymore. Definition and dissolution are at loggerheads.
Linda George – There is no normal anymore. Definition and dissolution are at loggerheads.
David Gardner – This technology has existed for decades.
Irwin Ozborne – Thanksgiving: Celebrating all that we have, and the genocide it took to get it.
Christina Sarich – Who will determine which genes are to be kept, and which genes are to be erased?
Keith Holden – Your Higher Mind, as part of your Divine soul, only knows the truth.
Valerie Burke – Neuroscientists find that even one dose of ayahuasca has powerful and immediate antidepressant effects.
Wes Annac – The Rastafari movement is partially responsible for the widespread awakening taking place.
Sigmund Fraud – Exit from the matrix is possible but you must first understand the traps built around you.
Buck Rogers – The world’s most revered psychic made several statements about Russia’s role in our future.
Zen Gardner – If only people woke up from this and similar programming we would have a different world overnight.
Irwin Ozborne – Columbus Day has been celebrated as federal holiday in the United States since 1971. Here’s the truth about this man.
Larry Malerba – A holistic look at the state of the American psyche reveals something extraordinary.
Anna Hunt – Find out how you can use essential oils to stimulate the 7 chakras.
Sofia Adamson – As conscius beings, we all arise from and return to the same source.
Kyle McMillan – The only book that Steve Jobs ever downloaded to his iPad was by his main guru.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Do you put your spirituality to good use in this needy world?
Justin Faerman – Releasing fear and negativity is a conscious act, and here are 3 practices that will help.
Zen Gardner – The awakening is a constantly unfolding convergence of consciousness and it comes through many vectors.
Brendan D. Murphy – Humankind is the unwitting victim of a frequency war on consciousness.
Irwin Ozborne – In the year 2015, less than half the people in America believe the official 9/11 Commission to be true.