The 9 Personalities Which Are Changing The World
Michael Forrester – Nine distinct personality types make humanity very special, not only in their interactions with each other, but within themselves.
Michael Forrester – Nine distinct personality types make humanity very special, not only in their interactions with each other, but within themselves.
Valerie Burke – Imagine you could harness, at will, the mind-body connection responsible for the heightened mental states giving rise to creative genius, inspiration, bliss, mystical experiences, and possibly even enlightenment?
Brendan D. Murphy – The right type of sound can help alter genetic expression and change consciousness.
Steve McIntosh – Psychedelics reveal that we are truly “behind a veil” in our ordinary state of awareness.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Transitioning into the fifth world is transforming fear into courage.
Phillip J. Watt – There’s something not quite right about the collective consensus in humanity’s mind structure.
Brendan D. Murphy – Conspiracy theorists used to be accepted as normal.
Tim Boucher – We may all be created equal, but what do we do after that?
Ethan Indigo Smith – The war world we are seeing today is the result of text book oligarchical collectivism.
Brendan D. Murphy – A clear indication of the human ability to peer into domains beyond the senses.
Ryan Mandell – It is incredibly easy for your energetic body to become disturbed and imbalanced.
Wes Annac – Cannabis can play a crucial role in evolution, but it also has its share of downsides.
Mitch Horowitz – Just where did Edgar Cayce’s “insights” come from?
Brendan D. Murphy – Everyone has some level of innate intuitive capability, a.k.a., Jedi powers
Zen Gardner – Our warfare is primarily spiritual. Yet spirituality manifests in many ways, and much of it is informational.
Gustavo Tanaka – Most of us haven’t quite realized there are something extraordinary things happening.
Cortland Pfeffer & Irwin Ozborne – Christmas has become symbolic of all that is wrong with our society.
Christina Sarich – These are the primal archetypes we are playing in the awakening – which is your archetype?
Makia Freeman – The propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil is in full swing.
Justin Faerman – All of the exercises outlined here have been proven to shift brainwave patterns and improve trans-hemispheric communication in the brain.