Search Results for spirit molecule

The 3 Foods That Can Be Destroying Your Health

Neda Smith, FDN, CMTA, HHC, Guest Writer Waking Times Often addiction, especially to food, occurs during your childhood years. We all remember eating cereal as kids, but over the past three years the amount of cereal consumed by children and adults has increased to an all-time high. In its original form it was designed to

Eating Our Way In and Out of Our Symptoms

Dr. Colleen Huber, Guest Writer Waking Times  Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. ~Hippocrates We truly live at a strange crossroads in human history. Over the last few decades, the human species has been hypnotized by the temptations offered by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The 1950s ushered in the “better living


Alter Your DNA With Heart-Centered Positive Emotion and Intention

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Have you ever noticed that if you find yourself in a checkout line and you’re anxious and in a hurry the line takes forever, but, if you’re relaxed and not concerned how long it takes, the line moves quickly? Over the last several decades, scientists have been researching this phenomenon

Foundations of a New Medicine We Can Not Afford to Ignore

Capt. Randall, Green Med Info Waking Times  Life at its core is a phenomenon that requires energy in the form of electrons to operate and to keep its structures intact. Living cells are internal combustion engines that must have the right fuel and lots of oxygen to produce energy. Visualize life’s molecules snatching/donating electrons, electrons

Quantum Reality: The Limitless Potential Within Everything

John Assaraf Waking Times Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of Quantum Physics. They have proven that thoughts are what put together and

How We Create Our Experience

Kelly Niven Waking Times I would like to explain to you how we are creating everything that is happening to us.  I will also explain how our mind and body are connected.  When you really get this you will hopefully have a light bulb moment and it will become clearer for you to see your

No Need To Dread Death

Waking Times Being aware of dying does not mean fearing it but realising that it’s a part of the renewal process of the universe. Death is not a subject we often think about or are even comfortable talking about. In fact, a number of contemporary sociologists believe that despite widespread liberalization of thought in modern

Consciousness Is Not In The Brain

Ray Tallis Waking Times Most neuroscientists, philosophers of the mind and science journalists feel the time is near when we will be able to explain the mystery of human consciousness in terms of the activity of the brain. There is, however, a vocal minority of neurosceptics who contest this orthodoxy. Among them are those who

Come to Your Senses Through Grounding

Hema Simondes Waking Times There’s been quite a buzz recently among athletes and health enthusiasts, on how to more quickly and easily recover from acute or chronic inflammation and injury through earthing. The term ‘earth’ is used often in Europe and equates to what we also call ‘ground’ here in America. A ‘grounded’ human being is someone who is

DNA – The Super-Data Papyrus for Biologically Induced Enlightenment

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times If the entire world’s information, (about 4.8 zettabytes in computer nerd speak) could be stored on 4 grams of DNA, and Harvard researchers have already sequenced about 70 billion copies of an HTML book onto small bits of DNA, what possibilities does this suggest about our species’ past and

Fractals and the Nature of Truth

Steven Paglierani, Guest Writer Waking Times  So what is a “fractal”? And what do fractals tell us about the nature of truth? Begin by knowing that a fractal is one of the two kinds of geometry present in our world. And yes, no matter what people say, in our world, there are only two major

The 20 Universal Laws

Waking Times The 20 universal laws cover Karma, reincarnation, vibration, attraction, Soul Evolution and much more. All these laws are covered in Dick Sutphen’s book Lighting the Light Within which was published in 1987. This is an extract from the book. 1. The Universal Law of Harmony This law supersedes even the fundamental law of Karma, for

The Physical Universe is an Information System

K.J. McClean Waking Times For 5,000 years we have been taught that our physical reality is massive and really hard to change. That viewpoint is limited, however, and is the result of knowledge gained strictly from the limitation of the five bodily senses. In fact, most of the “action” in the physical universe happens on

Physicalism: A False View of the World

Physicalism is the philosophical claim that only what is physical is real, where physical means: To be found or inferred by measurement and reason as existing in the world observable by the outer senses (mainly sight, hearing and touch). Physicalism is distinct from physics. Physics is (a) an activity based upon observing the world (by means of the outer senses), theorizing, experimenting and testing and (b) a body of knowledge which consists of truths established by this activity.

Yoga At the Source

Up until a few years ago, Yoga for me was a series of twists, bends and undulations with ludicrous new age epithets like ‘Prana Flow’, ‘Nude yoga’, ‘Shakti kicks’ and ‘Yoga trance dance’, performed in slick studios by nubile nymphs wearing fluorescent skin-tight clothing. I couldn’t quite see how cringe inducing catchphrases like ‘rock your yoga’ or ‘unleash your inner rockstar’ were going to transport me into mystical states of higher consciousness.

The End of Entropy: A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

Entropy. That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition. It is easy to grasp the principle as it pertains directly to heat. We see the energy of a fire heat our food, but we also can see a great deal of heat going out unused and unusable. This extra heat can be seen as increasing the disorder, as the molecules affected move more rapidly and more disordered.

Humanity, Energy, and Oneness

Sub-atomic particles, molecules, and cells work together to form the tissues, muscles, and organ systems that make living beings. Many organisms live together in populations and communities, and along with their surrounding form giant, interdependent ecosystems. Together, all of these things inhabit our biosphere, and the Earth itself is dependent on the parts of its whole. But the connection does not stop there.

16 Signs You’re an Old Soul

Older souls are more accepting, not just of other people, but of circumstances as well. For example, while you don’t approve of the corruption within politics, you understand how the corruption will help to awaken other people to the truth. You respect the free will of others and are more likely to use tact than verbal demands of others. You tend to be more of a team player than anything else.

Energy and Our Energetic Fields

Decades ago, only mystics and madmen believed that there was an energy field around all living beings. Now science has actually proven that series of fields exists and that the sum total is much stronger and more potent than ever imagined. In fact, research done on this field is yielding a rich base for everything from diagnosing illness to enhancing food to creating prosperity.

The Seeding of Humanity

Why is it that ancient native, cultures all around the world, from the Americas to Africa and Australia speak of advanced ETs ‘seeding’ humanity on earth? How is it that such apparently primitive peoples had in-depth accurate knowledge of constellations such as Sirius – which cannot be seen with the naked eye – several thousand years ago?

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