Search Results for smart meters

Cell Tower Problems to Know About

Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell towers in LA, which are cropping up like mushrooms after rain, have been able to unite citizens in a way that few issues probably would.

The Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth

Zen Gardner – Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

Wi-Fi Exposure: Is It Really More Hazardous to Children?

Liberty Baldovino – Researchers are now questioning if exposure to Wi-Fi, and the increasing usage of Wi-Fi connected devices by children and adolescents, are putting the younger generations at a greater risk of health complications in their future.

The Gods of Money

Richard K. Moore – “Perhaps the single most important thing to know about power in the world today is that most nations do not have control over their own currencies.”

Aliens, Egos & Souls: Who Are We in the Big Picture?

Mado, Guest Waking Times Aliens Abduct Egos, Not Souls Contactees boast of their special relationship with STO (Service-to-Others) aliens. Abductees claim that they are forcefully taken, then physically and psychologically abused by STS (Service-to-Self) aliens. Milabs  (military abduct-tees) receive similar treatments from black project personnel. Specialists tell us that millions of humans are presently involved

On the Eve of Construction

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I love the sound of construction. I always have. Not the industrial sound from the kind of massive, offensive structures made with other-worldly looking machines, but the intentional, gentle kind. Small structures going up, improvements on homes, road repairs, even tending to gardens whether it’s tree pruning or small rearrangements.

Utilities Desperate to Quash Dissent, Shut Off Activist Leader’s Electricity

Josh del Sol, Guest Waking Times On the heels of Northeast Utilities admitting that smart meters are “irrational”, we’re seeing the wheels of reason and logic further come off the centralized energy cart(el). In what is an illegal and thinly-veiled “psy-op” (psychological operation) attempting to stem the rising tide of awareness of the massive rights

Step Aside and Reverse the Flow

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There’s a very strange vibe that’s hit the past few days. Maybe I’m just overly sensitive to these things and it can often be personal situations, but I’m hearing it being echoed from several quarters. We’ve been discussing this at home as we’ve been hit strongly with experiencing this same

WiFi – The Invisible Killing Fields

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times “There are no safe levels of radiation.” –Barrie Trower, Physicist and former Military expert on Microwave Radiation The mass rollout of Wifi over the past decade has been phenomenal as to how integrated it has become in all facets of our society and our personal lives. Yet few have asked

34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi-Fi

Waking Times Here is an excellent collection of scientific papers finding adverse biological effects or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz), complied by campaign group WiFi In Schools. The papers listed are only those where exposures were 16V/m or below.  Someone using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer can

Third Rock From the Sun – The Devolution of Consciousness

Jack Williams, Contributor Waking Times Cause and effect, chain of events All of the chaos makes perfect sense When you’re spinning round things come undone Welcome to Earth 3rd rock from the Sun (Joe Diffie) “What must we destroy at all cost, sir?” “Their consciousness, of course.” For eons man has been held in bondage

Transformation – Our Deepest Purpose

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times  What, if not transformation, is our deepest purpose? -Rainer Maria Rilke One of the reasons we are here, perhaps the most meaningful reason, is to transform ourselves. But what does that really mean? To transform is to change the shape or character of……. according to my dictionary. I love this definition

Mexico’s Zone of Silence

Scott Corrales, Strange Mag Waking Times There exist a number of “accursed sites” on the surface of our planet. Some of these locations are the sites of gravitational or atmospheric disturbances that still remain unexplained by twentieth century science. Such anomalous areas possess properties which interfere sporadically with humans and their equipment. One area worthy

Wireless, Chemtrails, and You

William Thomas, Wake Up World Waking Times Next time you’re on a cellphone looking up at those long lingering plumes spreading across the sky, you might decide to end that call. If you spot any cell towers, roof-mounted transmitters or high-voltage power lines within a mile of your location, you may wish to evacuate the

Do You Want To Be RFID Chipped? Another Hidden Secret in Obama-Care

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, Wake Up World Waking Times America’s Invisible Crises – Connecting the Dots (Part 1): Modern technology is growing by leaps and bounds. The corporate-controlled media extols its virtues, but does not cover the known harm of its dark side. Most of this technology goes unchecked for human safety. The following is a

Brave Mad World: The Control of Mind and Body

Douglas Chapman, Strange Mag Waking Times People who believe they have been targeted by mind control technologies have often been met with skepticism or outright disbelief. However, recent revelations concerning very real ongoing scientific research by the government, coupled with technologies under development in the private sector, make it harder than ever to completely dismiss these

Oilpulling: A Healing Therapy For Dozens of Diseases

Karen Forster, Prevent Disease Waking Times Oilpulling is an age old Ayurveda process which works on the root cause of symptoms and helps the body in its healing process, hence takes significant amount of time in giving you the desired results. The cost is the price of a daily spoonful of coconut oil–cheaper than even a vitamin

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