Search Results for qi gong

Is it Time for a New Monetary System?

Rod Morin – Getting a loan is like getting the “blessing” of the Bank to go and purchase something. Is it time for a new monetary system?

The Light Side of the Dark Night of the Soul

Kim Hutchinson, In5D Guest Waking Times The phenomenon known as the Dark Night of the Soul is something which many spiritual seekers experience on their journey to re-enlightenment. It can be a painful and frightening process, but it can also be liberating and empowering. It all depends on your perspective and your ability to remain detached. Peeling

Spiritual Freedom in the West: Are We Drifting Into a Culture of Suppression?

David Gardner, Guest Waking Times Increasingly in the West practitioners of alternative spirituality are subjected to discrimination and censorship. It’s sobering to look at the possible outcomes of living in a society where spiritual freedoms are heavily restricted. This article looks at the Chinese government’s oppression of spirituality as an example, to illustrate why we

On Chinese Medicine: The Five Xíng

Stephan Beyer, Singing to the Plants Waking Times BACKGROUND European philosophy has long been dominated by questions of epistemology: what do we know? how do we know it? how can we justify our claims to knowledge? Chinese philosophy — perhaps because of its origins in practical political thought — has been dominated instead by questions

25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening

Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is no doubt the Earth is evolving spiritually. People are experiencing intense changes within their life, work, behaviors and personal relationships. Many are awakening at a rate that can only be described as phenomenal. So how do we know if we are awakening? Here are 25 common characteristics

New Research Confirms Multiple Benefits of Yoga on Your Body and Mind

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Exercise is one of the most important factors for optimal health, and there are countless ways to get your exercise each day. Even if you struggle with conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis (MS), or chronic back pain that limits your mobility, there are exercises that can help. In cases where

Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

Kim Hutchinson, In5D Guest Waking Times Awakening to your full potential Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For

What is Chi?

Rod Morin, Contributor Waking Times Many, many, sages, scholars, researchers and laymen have attempted to answer the perplexing question of – What is Chi? The simplistic answer most often used is that Chi is “vital energy” or Chi is the “life force”, but this answer falls well short of addressing the apparent complexity of Chi.

How A Person’s Aura Becomes Depleted with Unhealthiness

Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease Waking Times Since ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of different spiritual leaders across various traditions but one thing that is common among all of them is the halo that surrounds their head which is known as the Aura- energy field. Many have dismissed Auras, especially those professed to

Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis & Hypertension Can be Reversed Naturally

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Despite the medical model which relies on pharmaceutical intervention for every known illness, there are well over one hundred common diseases that can be reversed naturally. That’s the difference between treatment for profit and healing for wellness. Arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteo) diabetes (both Type I and Type II),

Gnostic Palms and the Eye of the Handshake

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that you hold literally in the palm of your hand. It boasts neither a whimsical shape, nor beckons attention as an oddity of design. Even to the most discerning eye it’s without specific form

The Tao of Love and Relationships

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times I’d like to focus on the three main areas of ‘emotional misunderstanding’ that I encounter when dealing with love and relationship issues with my clients and offer my practical Wu Wei Wisdom to help you with these situations. Many of you will have experienced the wonderful sensation of being in love and

Tao Teaching: Your Cosmic Connection and Spiritual Contract

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times ‘The sun will always set whether you watch it or not’… This is a wonderful spiritual teaching that I received from my wise Taoist Master in China on the ‘Tao’ or ‘Way’ of the Cosmos and its fundamental relationship and interaction with all our lives. The teaching serves as

Ten Tips From A Shaolin Monk On How To Stay Young Forever

Shifu Yan Lei Waking Times People always say health is the most important thing but how many people live by this belief? We need to start today. In order to help us stay on the path to health I have translated an extract from one of the Shaolin Classics. Written by a monk who was a great

The Role of Toxins in Spiritual Advancement

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times It is your birthright to grow spiritually. You will mature spiritually even if you try not to, since all experience, whether labeled ‘good’ or ‘bad’ facilitates our return to spirit. Practices like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi-Gong, and other esoteric wisdom aim at expediting our growth instead of slowing it. It

Plant Medicine Masters & Guaria De Osa Retreats: A Talk with Jonathon Miller Weisberger

Terra Celeste Waking Times Editor’s Note: Jonathon Miller-Weisberger is the author of Rainforest Medicine. He offers sacred plant medicine retreats at his remote eco-lodge in the jungles of Costa Rica guided by elder master-shaman of the Secoya tribe from Ecuador. You can find out more about his upcoming transformational events, here.  The Secoya elders, legendary

Wu Wei is… Loving and Managing Your Ego – Part III

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times Note: This is the final of a series of 3 articles. Please read Part I here, and Part II here. This is my final article in a short a series on my Taoist spiritual and professional interpretation of the ‘Ego’. In my previous post I explained how the Ego, though well meaning,

Clarifying the Meaning of Universal Oneness

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times I recently wrote an article published by Waking Times that has generated many excellent responses for which I am deeply grateful. The large number of responses and questions generated by this piece, titled The Implications of Universal Oneness, have prompted me to write this article. This is not a response to

Zen and the Art of Chinese Medicine

Steven Alpern, Guest Waking Times The scroll of Zen Buddhist monk Sengai (1750-1838) entitled Circle, Triangle, and Square is a concise symbolic expression of classical (Neijing style) Chinese medical thinking. While this brush painting may not be language in the conventional sense, it articulates Sengai’s intention with clarity and power. Practitioners raised and educated in

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