Search Results for qi gong

Monsanto in Paradise: How to Stop Big-Ag From Destroying Hawaii

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times The front line in the fight against Monsanto and the reckless practices of genetically modified farming may be proving to be the island paradise of Hawaii. With such a relatively small population, the effects of GMO and Roundup Ready crops are having a disproportionately adverse effect on the environment and

17 Krishnamurti Quotes That Will Turn Your World View Outside In

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  A sage is someone who can put into words the aspects of our mysterious nature that most of us can only feel. At times in my life I have been overwhelmed by the world and confused about the purpose of it all. I spent much time in anguish, behaving in

Can Science Harness The Force of Life? The Suppressed Works of Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Dr. Wilhelm Reich (March 24, 1897 – November 3, 1957) In the 1940’s the scientific works of Dr. Wilhelm Reich were presented to a world, marveled upon and then radically suppressed by industry and democratic government.  A psychologist, scientist, mystic and refugee from Nazi persecution, Dr. Reich discovered ‘Orgone Energy’,

Warping the Value of Life and Health With Vaccine Statistics

Although statistically a smaller number of people have had ‘adverse’ reactions to vaccines, the value of their story and experience should be astronomically higher than the value of the numbers of ‘non-affected.’ A comparison between the two cannot be made equally when considering the stakes.

5 Reasons the Zombie Apocalypse is the Prevailing Metaphor for Our Times

A Zombie is an animated corpse. A walking, un-dead lunatic. A former person, now devoid of the qualities we all know as explicitly human, such as compassion, logic, love, awareness, self-preservation and so on. The Zombie is soulless animated human cadaver inhabited only by some of our lowest capacities and cravings. A Zombie drools and spits, mindlessly walking into peril with absolute disregard.

The Daily Revolutionary

Most of us don’t consider ourselves to be revolutionaries, but we probably already are. If we’re tired of seeing the earth exploited, it’s creatures exterminated and it’s peoples poisoned, bombed and enslaved, then we certainly are. If we recognize that certain social structures and cultural paradigms are laying waste to our potential to live naturally healthy lives with abundant futures, then we are in revolt.

Waking Times Exclusive Interview with Activist and Author J.G. Vibes

J.G. Vibes is a vocal activist, author of dozens of eye-opening articles about our society and culture, and the author of the recently published book, The Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance. He also promotes raves, all-night dance music parties, is an aficionado of electronic music and has a high appreciation for artwork that points at overlooked truths in our world.

Top 10 Rules for Proper Food Combining

Every food is different, some are alkaline, others acidic, some are high in fat, others high in fiber. Because foods are different, paying attention to the basic rules of food combining can give your body the chance it needs to properly use food. Have you ever left a steak and a tomato on the counter for a week and watched what happens?

Tai Chi in Life: Learning to Retreat in an Advancing World

Acting from a stable center, the seemingly most frail of a person can parry and vanquish the heaviest and most forceful of foes. To maintain this center one must develop appreciation for both the forward flow of motion and its inverse, digression.

Politics is Exhausting – And That’s Exactly Its Point

Our continued participation in this circus performance we call politics continues to feed the illusion of its legitimacy. By withdrawing our consent and participation in politics we may be freeing up considerable resources to apply toward the creation of a better world, while simultaneously helping to snuff out this energetic vampire that feeds heartily on our collective good will and positive energy.

Energy and Our Energetic Fields

Decades ago, only mystics and madmen believed that there was an energy field around all living beings. Now science has actually proven that series of fields exists and that the sum total is much stronger and more potent than ever imagined. In fact, research done on this field is yielding a rich base for everything from diagnosing illness to enhancing food to creating prosperity.

Effects of Yoga on Symptoms of Combat Stress in Deployed Military Personnel

Below are excerpts from a military study on the effects of Hatha Yoga on soldiers stationed in Iraq. As one may guess, the soldiers who received instruction in Yoga showed significant improvement in their emotional and physiological well-being, leading to the conclusion that Yoga is indeed a useful tool in dealing with combat and environmental stress.

Body Awaken

Reflections Upon the Global Pandemic

Sharron Rose – Everything that we are, the essential nature of society, our hopes and dreams are undergoing a substantial and radical alteration.

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