A Shamanic and Spiritual Perspective on Confusion and Truth
Dylan Charles – We’re lost in the greatest Truth Gap of all time, and the result is widespread confusion.
Dylan Charles – We’re lost in the greatest Truth Gap of all time, and the result is widespread confusion.
Dylan Charles – A doctor expresses her concern over the link between transhumanism and the latest vaccine technology.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman – We have been kept from fully developing our potential to reason, our intuition, to become enlightened and to be the godlike beings that is our true nature.
Dylan Charles – No denying it now, the train has left the station and everything is being exposed. A new awakening is happening now, and this time it is global.
Dylan Charles – The awakening is happening now, but the MSM wants you to believe that only neo-nazis want personal freedom.
Artist and iboga provider Jenny Kolb joins Dylan.
Dylan Charles – Informed consent is impossible in an authoritarian environment with immediate censorship.
Dylan Charles – What’s really happening is a catastrophic breakdown in human communication.
Dylan Charles – Many don’t seem to fully comprehend what is being given away in this desperate hour,
Dylan Charles – The events in front of us right now may seem like a huge deal, but there is so much more happening beyond our perception.
Dylan Charles
– Informed consent is not possible without accurate and complete information.
Lala Rukh – This is the Path of a True Spiritual Warrior, and there is no room for a wishy washy dabbler.
Dylan Charles – The mind is spiritual and cannot be healed in physical terms.
Phillip Schneider – People have no idea how much their information is censored, but when they see what’s happening they rally.
Navigating personal and global crisis to find the light within.
Dylan Charles – Official censorship of information is taking a quantum leap forward during the pandemic.
Dylan Charles – “What if as a society we actually admitted all our dysfunctions?”
Dylan Charles – “I’m like a corporate political prisoner… They are trying to totally destroy me.”
Alex Pietrowski – “If I hadn’t had the experience I’m having with cannabis I wouldn’t be able to talk about it.”
Dylan Charles – Allowing the mind to indulge in fear is a forfeiture of inner peace and quite literally dangerous at a time like this.