Search Results for pharmaceutical industry

The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?

Barbara Loe Fisher – Why have politicians in 12 states already filed legislation to eliminate non-medical vaccine exemptions, leaving only a very narrow medical exemption that most people cannot get?

Monsanto Is About To Escape All Regulation From The USDA

Christina Sarich – What’s an intentional mutation? Nothing more than a fancy technological phrase which describes a new way that biotech is getting around regulatory approval for genetically modified crops.

Is Medical Cannabis Safe for Children and Young People?

Kent Mao – Success stories of medical marijuana use in children range from the treatment of disorders that affect classroom performance such as autism and ADHD to life-threatening conditions such as epilepsy and cancer.

What’s to Blame for Our Dying Planet?

Catherine J. Frompovich – Every day, commonplace humans who live, work, and try to make ends meet are being blamed for ruining Planet Earth. Why?

Depression: It’s Not Your Serotonin

Dr. Kelly Brogan – Millions believe depression is caused by ‘serotonin deficiency,’ but where is the science in support of this theory?

Genetics Research—A Largely Failed Science Now Used for Social Control?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times I’ve previously written about how your environment and lifestyle, particularly your diet, has a direct influence on your genetic expression. For example, research using identical twins have shown that diet trumps genes in terms of the level of health you achieve. The science of epigenetics also challenges the conventional view of genetics, proving that the

Opiates, Iboga and the Roots of Self-Destruction

Dylan Charles & Jeff Cook Waking Times “Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to – alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person – you are using something or somebody

Cancer and Food – Mainstream Media Skeptical of Superfoods and Alkaline Diets

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times A recent science blog on the Cancer Research UK website triumphantly declared, “Don’t believe the type – 10 persistent cancer myths debunked.” In a world where incidents of cancer are growing at an alarming rate and more and more of us know of someone afflicted with one form of

Reality and Experience: Morphic Fields and The Power Of Choice

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” —William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Reality is virtually a symbolic representation of patterns of information. Notice the patterns and come explore the connections with the interlocking grids of consciousness

These Over-Prescribed Antibiotics are Causing Transgenerational DNA Damage

Lisa Bloomquist, Collective-Evolution Waking Times It’s Worse Than You Know In a May, 2014 letter to the U.S. Senate, Doctor Jay S. Cohen said of fluoroquinolones, “In my 40+ years in pharmacovigilance, FQs (fluoroquinolones) surpass Vioxx and Thalidomide in the degree of permanent harm done.”  Let that sink in for a bit. Fluoroquinolones – cipro/ciprofloxacin,

Interactive Reality Creation – Collapse of the Wave Function Into Heart Centered Awareness

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times Collapse of the Wave Function and Our Awareness Collapse of the wave function is a common quantum physics term that stems from the famous double-slit experiment popularized by physicist Richard Feynman. The double-slit experiment demonstrates that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles.[i] Simply stated,

Non-Conformity & Creativity Now Listed As A Mental Illness By Psychiatrists

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution Waking Times It’s no secret that when society, as a whole starts thinking outside the box, or starts to question what’s really happening on the planet it faces a fierce opposition. It’s also no secret that authority figures throughout history have ridiculed ideas that simply did not fit the frame. In our

Universal Consciousness and Unlimited Potential

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times “Consciousness is a word worn smooth by a million tongues. Depending upon the figure of speech chosen it is a state of being, a substance, a process, a place, an epiphenomenon, an emergent aspect of matter, or the only true reality.” -George Miller What is universal consciousness? Well, before

When It Comes To Vaccine Promotion and Safety, Always Follow The Money To Discover The Source

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The “National Launch” of Invisible Threat – a film promoting the world’s most aggressive vaccine program – will be screened in the nation’s capital today. The screening will be hosted by Every Child By Two (ECBT), which has received millions of dollars from five of the largest pharmaceutical companies. Even high

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