Search Results for pharmaceutical industry

Spiritual Change is Upon Us

Dr. Eldon Dahl, ND, Prevent Disease Waking Times For a difference of opinion, many tragedies have been committed in history, and when society looks back, it clearly sees the injustices done and justifies it by saying it would not be repeated again, for we as a people have become more enlightened. I, on the other

Soon Censored? Korean Scientists Successfully Kill Cancer with Magnets

Lisa Garber Waking Times In South Korea, scientists used a magnetic field to get cancer cells to actually self-destruct. The body removes old, defective, and infected cells through the process of programmed cell death (PCD), or apoptosis. In apoptosis, the rejected cell responds to certain signals sent by the body by fragmenting. Immune cells then

Cancer: the Forbidden Cures

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Cancer is a growing worldwide epidemic, with staggering statistics: 20,000 people dying of cancer every day; 1 person out of 3 will be faced with cancer at one point in their life; and 1 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year. The standard treatment for cancer has been the

Alzheimer’s & Autism: We Can Change This

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times When we come across a new truth we can see how it connects to larger truths. Sometimes that’s uncomfortable, strange, or paradigm-shifting. Sometimes it’s so logical we wonder how it’s not part of our everyday conversation.  Lately I’ve been reading new research findings. What I’m seeing amplifies what

Religious Exemptions to Vaccines are Life or Death Rights

Sandor White, Contributing Writer Waking Times Over many years, the media and corporations have mounted a concerted effort to demean religious faith and to portray certain religious groups as dangerous to modern society. Darwin and evolution are often the means, pitting “modern science” against “religious dogma.” The problem is that “science” has become the pawn

West Nile Virus and World Peace

Two Rivers, Contributing Writer Waking Times Sometimes the universe is just so perfect. Such a time is now. You wouldn’t think that West Nile virus was anyone’s friend but you’d be wrong. It offers a gift to humanity. And here is how that’s so. In the country right now (even in the world), the pesticide

Study Involving 18,000 People Confirms Acupuncture for Pain a Truly Effective Solution

Lisa Garber Waking Times Researchers examined over two dozen studies and  determined that acupuncture effectively diminished chronic pain – news the  pharmaceutical industry does not want to hear. The studies involved nearly  18,000 patients with back, neck, and shoulder pain, osteoarthritis, or chronic  headaches, and showed that acupuncture for pain could be a simple solution.

Paul Offit Threatens All Vaccine Exemptions – An MD Responds

Suzanne Humphries, MD Waking Times Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. This statement that outlines Offit’s personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal removal of all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States of America.

Love’s Tipping Point

Bob Bhakti, Contributing Writer Waking Times Fracking, Vaccines, GMOs, Police State Control, Drugs, Rapacious Greed, Disappearing Species, Racism, Polluted Oceans, Diseases, Wars …. This article sprang from a reaction to watching Robert Verkerk speaking in the documentary, “War on Health” about the attempt by the pharmaceutical industry to end humanity’s access to nutrients in the

GlaxoSmithKline Forced to Pay $3 Billion Over Faking Research, Bribing Doctors

Lisa Gerber Waking Times It’s not often that we get an express and unequivocal admission of criminal behavior from Big Pharma. British pharmaceutical behemoth GlaxoSmithKline, however, made headlines when they pled guilty to three criminal charges. They settled to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines. This settlement surpasses the $2.3 billion Pfizer agreed

Holistic Treatment for Depression Includes Acupuncture

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times A study released last week shows promising results for pregnant women suffering from depression. According to the research, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, acupuncture is effective in treating depression holistically in pregnant women. The information showing that holistic treatment for depression includes acupuncture comes at a time when growing research is questioning the safety of

Decriminalization is a Farce, It’s Time to Legalize All Drugs

I have a right to ingest/smoke whatever I want and to explore the contents of “my own mind” in the process, so long as I am not hurting anyone else, even if it kills me. This is a basic human right, albeit one that few people think of. Imagine if you had the right to have a shed in your backyard, but you didn’t have a right to explore the contents of that shed. That would be a little insulting, wouldn’t it?

9 Ways to Achieve Personal Peace and Freedom

There are a lot of different ways to get involved in influencing peace and freedom. You don’t have to be a philosopher if that’s not your thing; you don’t have to make signs and march if you don’t want to; and you don’t have to get involved with podcasting or video editing if you don’t have the ability to. You can make great contributions to freedom movement simply by doing what you love and sharing your unique gift with the world. Maybe you are an artist, musician, comedian, or you have some kind of public platform that will allow you to bring these ideas to a lot of people.

Define Better – (Video)

This video tells it like it is. Kids should not be given drugs. They should be played with, engaged, given exercise and a healthy diet free from preservatives and poisons. But most of all they should be allowed the chance to become whoever they should be without interference from a profit motivated and predatory health industry.

No, thanks!
