Search Results for pharmaceutical industry

A Mom’s View of Vaccinations: The Flame That Fuels The Debate

Sarita Coren, GreenMedInfo Waking Times “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche To vaccinate or not to vaccinate that is the heated debate. Regardless of what position you hold, the vaccination topic carries weighted emotions like anger,

Gratitude – Happiness Made Easy

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times What makes you happy? Happiness is rather elusive for many people, if not for most people in our society. This is a remarkable statement about the world we’ve created, which offers unprecedented access to food, shelter, health, entertainment, convenience, mobility, wealth, safety, security, and so on. With all this going for

Statin Drugs Are the Greatest Medical Fraud of All Time: Study Reports

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times Statins are one of the most dangerous drugs prescribed by doctors. The risks from them were obvious before they were ever  marketed. Nonetheless, they are among the best selling drugs of all time. Finally, genuine science has been looking at their adverse effects and lack of benefit to document the

Neurosurgeon Speaks Out On How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Arguably one of the most outspoken and articulate leaders in raising awareness on the dangers of vaccination, Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, provides compelling arguments why the vaccination of pregnant women is harmful and a hidden cause of neurological disorders. He also discusses the toxic ingredients in vaccines such as

Why Medicine Won’t Allow Cancer to Be Cured

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Imagine a commercial plane crashed and there were some fatalities involved. You can be sure that would make the headline of every major newspaper. Well, we have the equivalent of 8-10 planes crashing EVERY DAY with everyone on board dying from cancer. Nearly two million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every

Colloidal Silver Benefits: The Truth About Colloidal Silver

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Have you heard of a ‘miracle’ product known as colloidal silver? The basic reason for any colloidal silver efficacy and safety controversy is that the medical establishment (medical mafia) and the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) see colloidal silver as a financial threat. While you may have been cautioned against

How to Stop the Rise of Superbugs

Waldemar Ingdahl, American Waking Times The rise of ‘superbugs’ is causing tens of thousands of deaths a year in the United States alone. A problem as complex as antibiotic resistance will require several solutions. Increasing antibiotic resistance is of great concern — the health of millions is dependent on our ability to defeat the threat

Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of

Is Medical Marijuana Safe For Children and Adolescents?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times  Success stories of medical marijuana use in children range from the treatment of disorders that affect classroom performance such as autism and ADHD to life-threatening conditions such as epilepsy and cancer. But while a growing number of doctors are beginning to consider medical marijuana as a legitimate form of clinical therapy,

No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Yesterday’s article, Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland, documents the revealing information brought out by Polish scientists’ review of the scientific literature on vaccination’s adverse effects and immune system effects. Today, the rest of the study covering neurological symptoms following vaccination and a history of vaccines demonstrating little

How Garlic Can Save Your Life

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Research on garlic indicates that it may provide an ideal low-cost and safe alternative to drugs and vaccines in reducing the three most common causes of death in the world. In a world mesmerized by the false promises of pharmaceutical industry marketing copy, as well as inundated with

The Second Coming of Psychedelics

Don Lattin, Spirituality & Health Waking Times Ric Godfrey had the shakes. At night, his body temperature would drop and he’d start to tremble. During the day, he was jumpy. He was always looking around, always on edge. His vibe scared the people around him. He couldn’t hang on to a job. He started drinking

High on Health: Cannabinoids in the Food Supply

Alan Badiner, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found within the human body. They’ve been there for 600,000 years or more, but we’ve only just noticed it! One of the remarkable things about endocannabinoids is their striking similarity to the active ingredients of cannabis called phyto-cannabinoids. In fact, it was the effort

Who Is Trying To Patent Marijuana?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times  The secret is out: marijuana is medicine. And not to the surprise of the pharmaceutical industry, who is slowly but surely gaining exclusive rights to the medical properties of this age-old plant. But wait. How can a company, other than Monsanto, patent a plant? That’s not a serious question, but

Anti-Depressants Don’t Work for Mild or Moderate Depression

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times A Harvard Medical School lecturer, psychologist and Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies at Harvard, Irving Kirsch, was recently featured in a CBS 60 Minutes new program with a claim that put a chink into the pharmaceutical industry’s armor. Professor Kirsh provided a documented conclusion that pharmaceutical anti-depressants don’t work for mild to

Will Hypnosis Lead the Revolution in Healthcare?

Troy Robins C.Ht, Guest Writer Waking Times  Today hypnotists are treating cancer and other chronic illnesses with unprecedented degrees of success. Hypnosis is on track to become the mainstream treatment for chronic illness and many other illnesses that have an origin in the mind. The trouble hypnosis has historically had is that you can’t see

Follow The Money In “Sick”-care: What’s Behind The Drugs And Needles?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times The description of the disease seems to change according to the drug that’s being marketed. —Ray Peat, PhD There are several “scams” in the “health”-care industry these days, that brainwash the population into believing the “cure” comes through a pill, or a needle and “donations” should be offered for researching more

Are You Taking Too Much Medication? Or Too Many Remedies?

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times Throughout the field of health, wellness and medicine it is well known that too much is often much worse than too little. Most of us, given our American sensibilities and temperament, are predisposed to taking too much medicine, either on doctor’s orders or through our own self-prescribed treatment

When You Have the Right Vibe, It’s Not a Coincidence: Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field

Amy L. Lansky, PhD, Reality Sandwich Waking Times The following is excerpted from Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within [1], recently released from R.L.Ranch Press. One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years — the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field [2]), the

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