Search Results for monsanto roundup

West Nile Virus and World Peace

Two Rivers, Contributing Writer Waking Times Sometimes the universe is just so perfect. Such a time is now. You wouldn’t think that West Nile virus was anyone’s friend but you’d be wrong. It offers a gift to humanity. And here is how that’s so. In the country right now (even in the world), the pesticide

Sound Science and Common Sense are On the Side of Organics

Vic Shayne, Ph.D. Waking Times Above all else, the United States is the marketing capital of the world. Our society is built around products and services and all the ways they are advertised to us in a way designed to outpace the competition. While it may be unethical to do so, marketing fosters its share

Dow Brings Back An Agent Orange Ingredient for New GM Plants

Sayer Ji Waking Times Whether you are aware of it or not, your food, air and water are the battle ground upon which a titanic struggle between the multinational biotech corporations Monsanto and Dow AgroScience is now playing out. As a result, your health and environment (and that of all future generations) are at profound

Why the News is Wrong: We Need to Eat Organic

Case Adams, Naturopath Waking Times Recent research from Stanford University and the subsequent headlines from Reuters, NBC News, the New York Times and other mass media outlets have it all wrong: Choosing to grow and eat organic foods has little to do with nutritional content. Humanity must increasingly turn to organic foods. If we don’t, we

6 New GMO Crops that May Soon Hit Your Dinner Table: Take Action!

Lisa Garber Waking Times Remember when the USDA gave Monsanto’s new GMO crops the fast track to approval? Regardless of the numerous accounts of organ damage, pesticide-resistant weeds, and unintentionally mutated organisms like resistant insects, our own government is manipulating the game to let “biotech bullies” like Monsanto get speedier regulatory reviews. Consequently, the environment, livestock,

The Battle Over Genetically Modified Organisms

Howard Straus Waking Times  Controversy over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has been increasing in intensity. The biotech industry’s history of mendaciousness regarding GMO plants extends all the way back to the first test plots of GMO crops. We were assured (apparently without any basis in fact) there was no chance whatever of the genes spreading

11 Steps for GMO Eradication: Help Grow the “GEM”

Jack Adam Weber, Wake Up World Waking Times  Dear Fellow Sane Human Beings, Greetings. It’s a pleasure to write to you again. By now you likely have plenty of information and encouragement for why not to purchase GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). What we need now is to band together and take action. So below I have

Is GMO Farming Poisoning The World’s Drinking Water?

Sayer Ji Waking Times Monsanto’s Herbicide Linked To Groundwater Contamination In a groundbreaking study published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry last year, evidence surfaced that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Monsanto’s patented herbicide Roundup, is flowing freely into the groundwater in areas where it is being applied.1 The researchers found that 41% of the 140 groundwater

GMO Alert: Startling New Research

Well, guess what? The GMO industry is killing our ladybugs. Yet another scientific study shows that Bt-toxin increases the mortality rate (death rate) of infant ladybugs, known as larvae. This research was conducted at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe.

Why Gardening Makes You Happy and Cures Depression

While mental health experts warn about depression as a global epidemic, other researchers are discovering ways we trigger our natural production of happy chemicals that keep depression at bay, with surprising results. All you need to do is get your fingers dirty and harvest your own food.

Probiotics Destroy Toxic Chemicals In Our Gut For Us

It is an awesome fact of nature that we have trillions of organisms within our body – containing completely foreign DNA – some of which break down toxic chemicals that we humans have created to kill other things, but are now killing us, e.g. pesticides. Who are these strange helpers?

7 Foods Experts Won’t Eat

The Solution: Pop natural kernels the old-fashioned way: in a skillet. For flavorings, you can add real butter or dried seasonings, such as dillweed, vegetable flakes, or soup mix.

Human Race Being Terminated by ‘Scientific Suicide’

The “science” practiced today is a science of domination and control. It is almost never carried out for humanitarian purposes to benefit humankind. Even the entire intellectual property “ownership” system of patents and trademarks is set up to grant corporate monopolies over innovation, thereby denying the People access to such innovations. Intellectual property laws have been twisted and exploited by corporate giants to hijack the innovation process and use it to crush competition.

The Folly of Big Agriculture: Why Nature Always Wins

But if we could speed up time a little and become a lot more perceptive, we would see that nature’s big idea is to try out life wherever and however it can be tried, which means everywhere and anyhow. The result — over time and at this instant — is diversity, complexity, particularity, and inventiveness to an extent our minds are almost unfitted to conceive.

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