Inside the Mind of a Minion in the Matrix
Phillip J. Watt – We’re all exposed to it. We’re all part of it to one degree or another.
Phillip J. Watt – We’re all exposed to it. We’re all part of it to one degree or another.
Michael Forrester – Concentrating the mind on the present moment is vastly beneficial to health.
Kerry Creaswood– There is no doubt that what you are thinking originates in the brain, but are the mind and the brain the same thing?
Derrick Broze – The results suggest a new choice for millions of people with recurrent depression on repeat prescriptions.
Michael Forrester – How do we adapt to a new consciousness when nothing works the way it used to?
Buck Rogers – A genuine master of chi demonstrates a super-power that any of us could have.
Makia Freeman – We want a world with no rulers and no slaves.
David Thrussell – No matter how earnestly we may choose to look the other way, the bedrock of technology is surveillance.
Phillip J. Watt – The inspiring fact is that more and more people are slowly waking up and realizing we all have the opportunity to come to our own, informed opinion on the truth, pertaining to both the spiritual and systemic realities.
Makia Freeman – Political correctness is a Rothschild invention of language control. Like Orwellian Newspeak in 1984, its ultimate aim is to reduce the scope of free thought.
Wes Annac – An encouragement of liberation from the distractions, desires and habits of the mind by one of the greatest spiritual teachers.
Catherine J. Frompovich – A recently-released 22 minute video that explains what the controllers have planned for everyone’s brain!
Tera Graham – More scientists are beginning to realize that architecture, like any art form, has the power to influence how we perceive the world.
Alex Pietrowski – The truth about the causes of depression is slowly being discovered, and it’s not in your head.
Sigmund Fraud – Exit from the matrix is possible but you must first understand the traps built around you.
Zen Gardner – If only people woke up from this and similar programming we would have a different world overnight.
Zen Gardner – An overly cynical attitude is as toxic and debilitating as the very system they’re attempting to exert over us.
Anna Hunt – A regular meditation practice brings with it many benefits, physical, energetic, mental and emotional, improving your overall health and quality of life.
Justin Faerman – How do you fully integrate integrate your knowlege of wellness?
Phillip J. Watt – The proof that we are overcoming our programmindg and conditioning.