UK Scientists Admit to ‘Unethical’ and ‘Totalitarian’ Use of Fear in Covid Response – What Else Are They Using Against You?
Dylan Charles – What other social engineering tactics are being employed to manufacture consent and obedience?
Dylan Charles – What other social engineering tactics are being employed to manufacture consent and obedience?
Dylan Charles – We are so much more easily influenced that we would like to believe. Watch this for proof.
Jon Rappoport – The invasion of the doctors and the public health authorities, during the crisis, is the point of the spear.
Julian Rose – This sickness called ‘Covid’ is a cellular expression of a lack of resistance to lies and a lack of appetite for truth.
Sergey Baranov – Taking your mind back from the global chaos is the single, most important thing you can do for yourself and your family.
Julian Rose – This is to serve warning that what ‘the authorities’ are planning for us in the very near future is a ‘Great Reset’ of what we are accustomed to eating at our daily meals.
Julian Rose – The Schwab ‘Reset’ and the Gates ‘Vaxit’ are part of an overall masonic/satanic mission to wrest the planet away from its natural evolutionary trajectory.
Sigmund Fraud – We’re all being duped in a major way.
Dr. Mercola – “Everyone will wear them, because people have shown that they’re quite willing to give up privacy for convenience;” a prototype could be here in the next decade.
John W. Whitehead – It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers all over again.
Julian Rose – Do you want to break the puppet master’s grip on your life?
Jon Rappoport – The operation has its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates.
John W. Whitehead – This is a con game, a scam, a grift, a hustle, a bunko, a swindle, a flimflam, a gaffle, and a bamboozle.
Julian Rose – There are so many awakening to the realisation of their imprisonment. What will be our collective choice?
Makia Freeman – The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual, although hardly anyone will realize it.
Julian Rose – There are a number of factors about this Covid-19 event that stand-out.
Patrick Herbert – It is called Television Programming, after all, and it is our perceptions they wish to program.
John W. Whitehead – The Deep State, the powers-that-be, want us to turn this into a race war, but this is about so much more than systemic racism.
Jon Rappoport – Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this week, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse.
Caitlin Johnstone – The Atlantic has published an article authored by two university professors titled arguing that internet speech should be censored like in China.