Search Results for mind control

Placebos, Nocebos, and Mind Over Matter

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times Our medical system is less comfortable and less effective as studies and results move from the body to the mind, from the mind to the spirit, and from the spirit to the community.  Each of the top layers of the hierarchy of healthiness is studied with fear rather than with respect by

How to Free Your Mind from the Conventional Matrix

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times The human mind is one of nature’s greatest achievements because of its infinite potential. Its potential is so astonishing that if you learn how to unlock its full potential, anything is possible. Below is an excerpt from my book Staradigm about what the mind is. The human mind is one of the most advanced

Who REALLY Controls The Mainstream Media?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributing Writer Waking Times This is an extremely important question because whoever does control the Mainstream Media (MSM) does control the world. However, the stark reality is that it is impossible to know just who it is that controls the MSM. Why? It has become obvious that the usual suspects which are trotted out on

Mindful Breathing a Great Tool for Achieving Your Mind and Body Connection

Mike Barrett Waking Times While seldom consciously recognized, most people truly do lack self-connectedness. This can be exemplified through a mere observation of how most people breath every day. Breaths are usually taken in short bouts which ultimately bring about some degree of stress, rather than deeper breaths that are subsequently more relaxing. These short

Mainstream Science – Another Religion Created by the Controllers

Beliefs are basically the scaffolding by which our present paradigm, worldview, or consensus reality has been built, propped up, and maintained. Though we don’t realize it, we are currently trapped between two opposing paradigms by the old scaffolding (false beliefs) because we refuse to see that the old scaffolding must be dismantled before our awareness can expand to the boundaries of the scaffolding of a new and less limiting paradigm.

Why the Power of Mind Over Matter is Important

This idea was highlighted by Gandhi who stated that a movement is much more powerful when it promotes what it stands for, rather than fight against what it opposes. Hence, those who seek to make the world a better place would be far more effective by focusing their energy and thoughts on solutions to what they oppose. This is not to say we should not acknowledge our distaste for unsavory events like war, environmental disasters, economic injustice, and the like. However, we should not allow our anger to become hatred of the perpetrators themselves, but rather to help concentrate our focus on manifesting the world we wish to see around us.

Becoming Brave

Elva Thompson – This horror we are living through is not about a disease…it’s about absolute mind control and the trans-humanist agenda.

Silent Weapons for the Secret War on You

Marie Jones – The world of non-lethal weaponry has opened the door to technologies that allow the control of one’s mind, thoughts, actions, and behaviours.

Died Suddenly

Died Suddenly

Waking Times – In 2021 many people were saying that in 18 months those who participated in this global forced experiment would start dropping dead. Is this our new reality?

The Precarious Nature of Ayahuasca

Jonathon Miller-Weisberger – Western audiences are just beginning to understand the challenges of working with ayahuasca.

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