Search Results for mandatory vaccination

Deconstructing the Ebola Agenda

Zen Gardner – What exactly is behind the ebola ‘crisis,’ and what is at play behind the scenes of the propaganda matrix?

When It Comes To Vaccine Promotion and Safety, Always Follow The Money To Discover The Source

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The “National Launch” of Invisible Threat – a film promoting the world’s most aggressive vaccine program – will be screened in the nation’s capital today. The screening will be hosted by Every Child By Two (ECBT), which has received millions of dollars from five of the largest pharmaceutical companies. Even high

Do You Believe In Medical Conspiracy Theories?

Daisy Luther, Contributor Waking Times Do you believe in “medical conspiracy theories”? If so, you are in good company. According to a survey undertaken by professors at the University of Chicago, more than half of all Americans believe in one or more so-called “medical conspiracy theories”. Of course, most of us know that the derogatory term “conspiracy theory”

25 Safe, Natural Alternatives to Getting This Year’s Flu Shot

Daisy Luther, Contributor Waking Times Want $10 off your bill at the grocery store?  Stop by our pharmacy and let us jab a needle full of toxins into your arm! Want to avoid killing off your newborn, your elderly neighbor, and some random unvaccinated cancer patient?  Do your part by getting stabbed! Want to circumvent

5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control Are Coming To End

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as the world is awakening. Here

No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Yesterday’s article, Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland, documents the revealing information brought out by Polish scientists’ review of the scientific literature on vaccination’s adverse effects and immune system effects. Today, the rest of the study covering neurological symptoms following vaccination and a history of vaccines demonstrating little

What Really Lies At The Heart of Biotech and Medical Technology?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times We need not look further than genetically modified foods, our toxic food supply and vaccines to understand that depopulation technology is alive and well. The Earth and its organisms (including humans) have NOT been thriving for last several decades…they have been dying. We are only now beginning to understand

Follow The Money In “Sick”-care: What’s Behind The Drugs And Needles?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times The description of the disease seems to change according to the drug that’s being marketed. —Ray Peat, PhD There are several “scams” in the “health”-care industry these days, that brainwash the population into believing the “cure” comes through a pill, or a needle and “donations” should be offered for researching more

Front-Line Workers and Pregnant Women In Droves Shun Flu Vaccine

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times There’s something so magnificent about an idea whose time has come. The idea that as a population, we do not need toxic injections of anything in our bodies to prevent disease. More front-line workers, medical staff, nurses and hospital employees are saying no to vaccines more than ever reported.

Why The Apple Is One Of The World’s Most Healing Superfoods

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged — to name but a few, experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This age old

Epidemiologist Confirms Serious Outbreak of Chicken Pox, 97 Percent Who Were Vaccinated

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A county in the western part of Indiana is the site of the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak, according to news reports. An epidemiologist has confirmed that out of the cases analyzed, 97 percent of the children were vaccinated. Vigo County has now seen over 84 cases of the varicella-zoster virus

Paul Offit Threatens All Vaccine Exemptions – An MD Responds

Suzanne Humphries, MD Waking Times Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. This statement that outlines Offit’s personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal removal of all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States of America.

Your Rights: Saying No to Vaccines

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times If you aren’t aware that vaccines are a controversial matter, you haven’t been paying attention. The government and big pharma would have you believe your life is at risk if you don’t vaccinate. But, growing research suggests vaccines aren’t effective in the prevention of disease and that they may actually cause

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