Search Results for inner peace

Is It Possible – Or Even Desirable – To Be Mentally Prepared For Apocalypse?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times It should be very clear by now, to most thoughtful people, that we are well down the road of engineered collapse. Some might argue that we are already in the manifestation of ‘the end of days’. It’s not important. What is important is to recognize that a combination of political corruption,

Divine Infinite Consciousness, Beyond the Limits of Language

Peter Borys, Jr., Guest Waking Times When we are communicating through language, we are participating within the limits of a specific sensory frequency range, which is then decoded by the thinking mind to determine meaning at a certain level of the conscious mind. This applies to both verbal and written frequencies. Language is limiting because it

Waiting for the End of the World: René Guénon and the Kali Yuga

Richard Smoley, New Dawn Waking Times Currently the fear – or hope – of the closing of the age pervades the air like a thick vapour. Sometimes this end is envisaged as an environmental calamity, sometimes as the second coming of Christ, sometimes as the return of the space brothers to claim their own. Figures

How To Deprogram Yourself

Gregg Prescott – Society has undergone a mass brainwashing, and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

The Implications of Universal Oneness

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times In the course of facilitating classes and workshops for thousands of people throughout Asia, Europe and the United States, I have been asked one question more than any other: How does the oneness of creation – the singular nature of being – directly impact my life? This is my response

The Easy Way to Meditate for Health and Wealth

Jeffrey Green, Guest Writer Waking Times A simple 10-minute-per-day meditation method to achieve your dreams Are you interested in meditation but aren’t sure what to do or how to begin? Since there are countless ways to meditate it can be frustrating to choose which path is best, especially for beginners. I don’t claim to be

Hungry for Beauty

Charlotte Whitelock, Guest Writer Waking Times We are living in a time of global starvation. According to World Hunger, 13% of the world population are hungry and malnourished. Even more startling, is the global starvation of the soul. People are forced to rummage in the metaphorical rubbish bins of the Matrix, for the next fix, to

Consciousness or Selfishness. Your Choice.

Rene Descartes, Contributor Waking Times Selfishness concerns itself with one’s own welfare regardless of others and with giving less than the best to others. It may take the form of self-aggrandisement, self-glory, self-centerdness, self-doubt and many other “self” words, including self-control. Selfishness includes smugness, complacency, egotism, narcissism, conceit, perfectionism, arrogance, manipulation, denial, avoidance, fears, false

(individual) Ignorance is Strength (to institutions)

Ethan Indigo Smith, Guest Waking Times Your ignorance is their strength. Human history is the story of individuals and institutions. And today we are at the crossroads.  Arguably all of the world’s most extreme problems stem from information and its lacking. Today there is a matrix formed at these crossroads, a figurative fork in the

Death By Fear

Sharon Chayra, The Shaman’s Well Waking Times In a span of nearly half a century, I’ve said a number of goodbyes. Some to friends I never saw beyond kindergarten and to others when my extended stay in England was complete. There were the polite goodbyes with employers for whom I, or they, were no longer

Important Keys to Manifestation and Energy Return

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times The work that you do is not what you’d love to do, but you do it because you have to… and you wish you didn’t have to. That’s the uncomfortable feeling within the mind/heart of many of us. Some of us are not only doing work that that we don’t

The Winning Combination

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Does it matter if the girl at the bank knows what GMOs are? She’s a sweetheart… teaching me how to speak Spanish. She says I’m good… my accent is hardly noticeable. So we get into a new phrase every time I see her. She doesn’t know I’m on a mission…

Four Aspects of Self Realization

Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times What is the goal of the path of Self Discovery? Self Realization. The realization of our true nature, who and what we truly are, in reality. And just what is that? Well uh um ah…….I don’t know. Which is why we have to explore this for ourselves personally if we

An Introduction to Spiritual Change

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times If you want spiritual change, you need to see and understand yourself. While the conscious spiritual ‘you’ may wish to awaken, there are also subconscious parts of the psyche that are contrary to spirituality and work against your awakening. Their roots are unknown to most, yet they exert an unseen grip

Waking From Sleep: The Causes of Higher States of Consciousness

Steve Taylor, New Dawn Waking Times Higher states of consciousness (HSCs) – or awakening experiences, as I prefer to call them – are moments of revelation, when we perceive reality at a heightened intensity. The world around us comes to life, and is filled with an atmosphere of harmony and meaning. A spirit-force seems to

Manifesting Personal Power With Remote Viewing

Mary Rivas, Contributing Writer Waking Times Can goals, such as increased inner peace, optimism, intuitive powers and creative breakthroughs, be realized more easily by changing our brain states? The answer is yes.  All our thoughts start out as brain waves. And like radio waves, our thoughts can be transmitted from our minds to the universe. 

Usury – The Root of All Evil?

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times The love of money is the root of all evil. — 1 Timothy 6:10 Why do people value money so much? There is, after all, nothing very attractive about grubby pieces of paper, dirty metal discs, or digital records in a database. Money gives us the ability to obtain

Embracing Spiritual Abundance

Trinity Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times In the many years of awakened life, I have witnessed abundance spoken about in a myriad of different ways. I’ve noticed that in all its different guises, there are two main ways in which it is interpreted: 1. Having lots of what we desire or 2. Seeing the divine in

Responsible Spirituality – Standing in the Dark and Seeing the Light

Chris Renzo, Guest Writer Waking Times To not recognize the darkest aspects of our way of life disables us from being the greatness that we are. To claim we are wise and spiritual without acknowledging the darkest aspects of who we are is superficial. This does not mean we should dwell in the darkness. Rather

Top 5 Ways to Practice Non-Conformity in the Matrix

Sigmund Fraud – The new hero, is someone who combats the staleness of a decaying society by looking at the areas in our lives most in need of repair and then, deliberately, does not do what the conformist majority is doing.

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