Search Results for inner peace

Us and Them?

Julian Rose – The old weapon of ‘divide and conquer’ is exercising an almost total paralysis over society at this time.

Contacting the Dead

6 Steps and 3 Awakenings on the Spiritual Path

Frank M. Wanderer – You are invited to a special journey, in the course of which our inner light shines up in us. This journey takes us through six steps to three awakenings, each one more profound than the previous one.

Harmony of Being: Returning to Our True Nature

Steve Taylor – From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away, and we’re filled with a sense of ease, well-being and harmony. How do we make these experiences more common?

The Human Energy Field and DNA: How You Choose Your Genes

Brandon West – The field of intention, conscious awareness, energy, the universal mind, whatever you choose to call the infinite energy density of the vacuum, the fact remains that the energy of space all around us, is infinite.

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