Space Fence: Connecting the Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas
Makia Freeman – The Space Fence is a massive, planetary-wide, space surveillance system.
Makia Freeman – The Space Fence is a massive, planetary-wide, space surveillance system.
GMI Reporter – It is a system of conscious awakening and evolution.
Makia Freeman – Some hidden and dark power is behind the new world order.
Jeff Street – We can transcend our fears by embracing a few higher truths.
Dylan Charles – The real powers in our world don’t care if we know the truth.
Dylan Charles – There is an invaluable source of wisdom for understanding our world today.
Rosanne Lindsay – Reality is a program of beliefs we decode.
Karlos Kukuburra – Religion is a war on consciousness that was initiated in a time out of memory.
Makia Freeman – Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate mind control weapon since it can target your individual DNA.
Paul A. Philips – Can you be counted on to make that choice in consciousness for world change?
Melissa Joy Jonsson – Addiction is rooted in bio-chemical reactions in our body that act to reinforce and ingrain certain behaviors.
Dylan Charles – When we look into the heavens, 96% of it is invisible to us.
Paul A. Philips – Having seen through the grand deception, will the awakened ever change the control system?
Dylan Charles – Loneliness is the illness of our time.
Dylan Charles – Perhaps these books will work their powerful magic for others on a journey of personal transformation.
Paul Davis – We must understand and listen to the multi-generational pain and trauma created by the institution of slavery.
Sergey Baranov – Reconnecting to our spiritual roots is a coming home, and the sacred tradition of San Pedro is an ancient path.
Stephen Parato – Have you ever wondered… About what level of consciousness you’re truly at?
Fred Dodson – Attention is the currency of the 21st century.
Paul A. Philips – The U.S. dollar is loaded with the symbolism of our occult masters.