Search Results for iboga

Trying to Break a Bad Habit? Here’s How

Christina Sarich – Are you using your mind to learn something new or create profound experiences, or are you using your mind to stay stuck where you are now?

Psychedelics, Consciousness & the Birth of Civilization

Graham Hancock – The “spirit world” and its inhabitants are real, that supernatural powers and nonphysical beings do exist, and that human consciousness may, under certain special circumstances, be liberated from the body…

The Hamster Wheels of the Matrix

Zen Gardner – Do we want to be winners for love and truth, or destined-to-lose self-reinforcing pulpit pounding tools of unending futility?

Requiem for an Equinox

Soren Dreier & Chautauqua – We humans are a pretty resilient bunch. We can absorb a tremendous amount of setback or grief without giving in to the negativity.

Face Mapping: What Are Your Pimples Telling You?

Video – Forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, nose, chin – all these zones indicate what is happening inside of the body. This video explains what it may mean when pimples and blemishes pop out in different areas of the face.

These 7 Things Happen To You When You Die

Steven Bancarz – Chances are, if you were brought up in a religious background you believe that there are only 2 places you can go: Heaven and Hell.

Can Ayahuasca Cure PTSD?

April M. Short – Donald “Donnie” Bumanglag spoke with Reset just months after sipping the psychedelic, sacred, traditional healing brew ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon.

Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul

Sayer Ji – The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain, and is sometimes called the “third eye” as it is a light sensitive, centrally-located organ with cellular features resembling the human retina.

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