All Smoke Is Not Created Equal – The Difference Between Tobacco and Cannabis
Paul Armentano – Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke is demonstrably harmful to health., but what about cannabis?
Paul Armentano – Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke is demonstrably harmful to health., but what about cannabis?
Jay Dyer– “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.”
Brendan D. Murphy – A clear indication of the human ability to peer into domains beyond the senses.
Wes Annac – Cannabis can play a crucial role in evolution, but it also has its share of downsides.
Mitch Horowitz – Just where did Edgar Cayce’s “insights” come from?
Wes Annac – Our social and spiritual work each year lays the foundation for what we’ll achieve in the years to come
Dylan Charles – Opposing fear, scarcity and decay, we can exercise love, abundance and creativity.
Michael Forrester – Psychoactive plants and hallucinogens have given us the opportunity to see life through different perspectives for thousands of years.
Dylan Charles – The nation’s newest Drug Czar just admitted to CBS that the war on drugs is a failure.
Dylan Charles – Many desperate veterans are seeking treatment for PTSD from an unusual source.
Inge Kuijper – The evolution of our changing relationship with nature and plants.
Wes Annac – The Rastafari movement is partially responsible for the widespread awakening taking place.
Sigmund Fraud – Exit from the matrix is possible but you must first understand the traps built around you.
Kyle McMillan – The only book that Steve Jobs ever downloaded to his iPad was by his main guru.
Video – Each individual has the power to become great by understanding the core of his or her existence. However, society and culture have taken away that power.
Video – Chants that call upon the spiritual powers beyond our visible reality and demonstrate the emotional bond between the shamans and the world of nature.
Dylan Charles – The world elite maintains in grip on humanity by keeping the doors of perception tightly shut.
Jonathon Miller-Weisberger – Will you seek the wisdom of the sacred plants in exchange for integral salvation?
Ethan Indigo Smith – It’s high time to stop the suppression of the spiritual potential of cannabis.
Isaac Davis – More of the world’s youth will called to duty by the traitors and cowards who make peace an impossibility.