Search Results for iboga

Quantum Mechanics Reveals How We Are All Truly Connected

Luis Rubén de Borbón, Guest Waking Times “I am saddened by how people treat one another and how we are so shut off from one another and how we judge one another, when the truth is, we are all one connected. We are all from the same exact molecules.” – Ellen DeGeneres We all know, deep

This is What Happens When an Artist Suffers Cancer of the Pineal Gland

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The tiny, pea sized pineal gland located in the center of the human brain has for ages been thought to be the seat of the soul, or the third eye, the organ which makes spiritual connection and spiritual experience possible. Prone to calcification from fluoridated water and other toxins

Dying to Live: Unity and Oneness, or Corporate Rule?

Jennifer Deisher, Contributor Waking Times The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance. Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness, rather we

Feed Your Head: Harnessing Neurogenesis

Sam Gandy, Guest Waking Times The human brain contains around 86 billion neurons, and 86 trillion connections between these neurons. That is more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy, or galaxies in the known universe. The human brain is one of the most complex and wondrous things we know of, and

Consciousness and Technology – 3 Mind Expanding Comparisons

Dylan Charles Waking Times Of all the pursuits of human kind, the understanding and exploration of consciousness offers the most likely opportunity for us to realize a civilization oriented towards cooperation, compassion, sustainability, and respect for life. Awakening to higher states of consciousness is the process by which a person, or a collective, can re-organize

Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Everyone experiences fear. It’s a jarring emotion that gets amplified by the reptilian fight or flight side of our human make up. The problem comes when the prompt is deliberately manufactured and therefore non-authentic, which is why the manipulators use it so frequently and to such an extent. Fear interferes with conscious awareness, clear

The Boom Festival: Psychedelic Resurgence

David Nickles, Guest Waking Times The Boom festival is a shining example of the thriving psychedelic resurgence. The very notion of coming together in an autonomous space specifically designed to facilitate transformative experiences reflects a contemporary psychedelic ethos that is spreading worldwide and taking shape in exciting ways. A rich modern history—as well as deep

The Seven Pillars of the Matrix

Robert Bonomo, Contributor Waking Times “No one is more of a slave than he who thinks himself free without being so.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large

How to Enslave People With Addiction

Charles Eisenstein, The Fix Waking Times Be it drugs, alcohol, porn, overeating or whatever your personal addiction, put an abuser in a playground and see what happens. You’ve probably heard about those addiction studies with caged lab rats, in which the rats compulsively press the heroin dispensing lever again and again, even to the point

A [Not So] Brief Overview of DMT

Edited by David Nickels, The Nexian Waking Times What Is DMT? NN-Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT for short, is a short acting psychedelic entheogen that allows a person’s consciousness to encounter some of the most incredible experiences, visions, thoughts, and dimensions imaginable. DMT is without doubt one of the most powerful, yet mysterious, psychedelics in existence, but to classify it

Web Filters and Alternative Spirituality: The Selective Censorship of ‘Alternative Beliefs’

Matthew Butler, Guest Waking Times Commercial web filters are often rigged to selectively target alternative spirituality and beliefs. Sites like this one can be classified, segregated and blocked under an “alternative spirituality/belief” category, which is often described negatively. The widespread use of filters to block alternative beliefs on public networks, while allowing access to traditional/mainstream

How Ayahuasca Can Revolutionize Psychotherapy

Olivia LaVecchia, City Pages Waking Times  A look at the psychoactive brew that brings users a spiritual payoff for their “work” Just before dusk, 18 strangers entered a yurt on a Midwestern homestead. Peruvian tapestries decorated the walls of the large, round structure, and rattles stood poised for ceremony. The participants — professional men and

Consume, Consume, Consume With The False Promise Of Happiness!

Andrew Martin, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Victor Lebow an economist, retail analyst and author, wrote a very pertinent account of modern consumerism in his 1955 paper, “Price Competition in 1955,” which was published in the Spring issue of the “Journal of Retailing.” “Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that

Ayahuasca – State of the Vine: 2014

Rak Razam, Guest Waking Times What IS ayahuasca, and why is it peaking in Western use now? Is ayahuasca being commoditized by the tourist industry and people making money off this sacred indigenous medicine? Are the plants grooming us for a return to energetic balance (health) within ourselves and with the planet? Can this spiritual

Fluoride Toxicity No Longer a ‘Conspiracy Theory’

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times It’s often amazing how many people still view the dangers posed to health from fluoride in the water supply as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” – dismissed as a notion unsupported by any solid evidence, they demand peer reviewed studies before even contemplating the veracity of the claim.

Aliens, Egos & Souls: Who Are We in the Big Picture?

Mado, Guest Waking Times Aliens Abduct Egos, Not Souls Contactees boast of their special relationship with STO (Service-to-Others) aliens. Abductees claim that they are forcefully taken, then physically and psychologically abused by STS (Service-to-Self) aliens. Milabs  (military abduct-tees) receive similar treatments from black project personnel. Specialists tell us that millions of humans are presently involved

10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to its Mystery

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our

Is Your Body Infested with Self-Replicating Nano-Fibers?

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times Many of us already know that public health is under attack on almost every front. We’re talking genetic manipulation by GMO foods, a massive global program of geo-engineering, radiation poisoning from many sources, the bastardization of nutrition, an ongoing media propaganda and fear campaign, the chemical poisoning of water

10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to the Mystery of Spirituality

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our

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