Search Results for gmo

Four Surprising Things that Interfere with Vitamin D Formation

Deane Alban, Contributor Waking Times During the summer you probably forget all about the colds, sore throats, and viruses that strike you and your family every winter. Why do people get sick more in the winter? It used to be thought it was from getting cold, lack of fresh air, or from being in closed buildings.

Open Sourcing the Food, Nutrition, and Supplement Industries

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times The next wave of the food, supplement, and nutrition market is upon us with little fanfare. Perhaps because the age of information we are in has once again caught the public and market by surprise with its rapid pace. The idea of health supplements is nothing new, however the

7 Types of Fish You Should Never Consider Eating

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times With increasing pollution and radiation levels off the charts in our oceans, wild fish are becoming as hazardous to our health as factory farmed meat. Most farmed fish are no longer safe to consume due to genetic modification and practices which have transformed many species into swimming poison. Here

California Water Shortage – The Game Changer That Will Trigger the Food Crisis

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times For What It’s Worth…  (I live in the North Counties of Northern California and manage a small Biodynamic farm forgoing a previous existence as a research analyst on Wall Street and owner of a small investment boutique firm for over two decades.) Farmers throughout California are dramatically cutting way back

False Science – How Bought And Paid For Propaganda Masquerades As Scientific Progress

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times The pursuit of truth in modern scientific query is marred by greed, profit and only a concept of truth built on the assumption of an unexamined good. While pharmaceutical drug approvals, genetically modified foods and various other controversial technologies may appear to be based on “science”, corporate interests and

Genetic Fallacy: How Pesticide Companies Silence Scientific Dissent

Dr. Mercola Waking Times There are plenty of indications suggesting that the evidence-based paradigm across sciences is built on quicksand, having been largely bought and paid for by many major multinational corporations. Nowhere is this more evident than in the chemical industry, where pesticide companies posing as “biotechnology” firms specializing in genetics have peddled their

Genetically Modified DNA Transfers From Food to Human Blood

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times The inclusion of genetically modified (GM) plants in the human diet has raised concerns about the transfer of transgenes from GM plants to humans. Contrary to the claims by biotech giants such as Monsanto, a report in PLOS One shows that that meal-derived DNA fragments are large enough to carry complete

Serving the System – How Free Are You, Really?

Alen Mischael Vukelić, Contributor Waking Times The system teaches us that we are dumb creatures who just don’t get it. Somehow we are always too late, too slow, too uneducated to fulfill the guidelines that are put there in front of us. It teaches us that we are incapable of observing the world in which

Did the Government Give Industrial Hemp a Pass to Clean Up Radiation in the State?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Activists have been shouting they want an end to GMO foods for more than a decade now, and Cannabis Sattiva L. supporters have been at it for even longer, so why has the US government finally given farmers the right to legally grow industrial hemp, the non-hallucinatory, sister plant of

Nano-Bots, Mind Control & Trans-Humanism – The Future of Consciousness?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our

Food Revolution: The Real Takeaway From the Natural News Garden of Life & Subway Agreements

Jefferey Jaxen, Contributor Waking Times It seems the tide is rapidly turning towards the true empowerment of humanity. First, due to the independent findings from the Health Ranger’s Forensic Food Lab combined with an “organic” social media blitz, Garden of Life, Sun Warrior, and Boku Superfood protein products have come to a mutual agreement regarding the quality of their protein

20 Places to Find Local Food and Family Farms Near You

Heather Callaghan, Guest Waking Times As demand for local and raw goods continue to rise, more people are asking – where do I find local organic? Where do I find raw milk and join a herd share? Where are the farmers markets, co-ops and stands? Activist Post writer, Brandon Turbeville, interviews Heather Callaghan on his show, Truth

What It Really Means to Be a Seeker of TRUTH

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times We are all whistleblowers if we want to be. It starts with keeping ourselves accountable. As I watch my own mother decline in a state of extended, deteriorating health, a woman who was couched in the modern medical paradigm as a registered nurse, and who once helped the local

How to Naturally Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay

Dr. Josh Axe & Eric Zielinski, Waking Times There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed or healed. Then the only solution is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material. But according to a study

Demolition Planet – Awaken and Rise

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There comes a time when a coming convergence becomes apparent. But when it spells a very probable major cataclysm people are not too eager to see it. But see it we must. And sound the alarm we must…as well as prepare. Funny how that’s another thing “they” minimize and belittle.

7 Ways the FDA is Failing to Protect: Who Needs the FDA?

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Some cynically refer to the FDA as the Fraud and Death Administration. Harsh, but many see that name as a bit more than an accurate description. It is certainly the hub of the Medical Mafia wheel. A few years ago, during the height of the occupy wall street mania,

9 Key Components of the Shift Towards Higher Consciousness

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow

New Study Renews Roundup ‘Weedkiller’ Toxicity Concern

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new study published in the January issue of International Journal of Toxicology titled, “Glyphosate Commercial Formulation Causes Cytotoxicity, Oxidative Effects, and Apoptosis on Human Cells: Differences With its Active Ingredient,” raises renewed concern that formulations of the world’s most popular herbicide glyphosate (e.g. Roundup), used primarily in the production of

The Incredibly Flat World of Monsanto

Barbara H. Peterson, Farm Wars Waking Times New scientific discovery reveals DNA manipulation can create mutations due to ignorance of gene control mechanism. There was a time when science dictated that the world was flat, and that if you reached the edge, you would simply fall off. What they couldn’t see, they proposed to be

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