Search Results for glyphosate

New Research Reveals the Real Causes of Depression

Dr. Mercola – Contrary to popular belief, depression is not likely caused by unbalanced brain chemicals; however there are a number of other biological factors that appear to be highly significant.

The Silence and the Storm

Zen Gardner – It’s time to stand up and tell it like it is. You may be ridiculed, but there are those that will hear you. Maybe not now, but the time will soon come when the truth will sink in.

Just How Much Pesticide are You Eating Everyday?

Christina Sarich – If then, more than 80% of the ‘staple’ crops in the US are planted with GM varieties of corn, soy, and cotton, then we can assume that we are all eating a big heaping helping of those herbicides and pesticides, right?

12 Ways to Rid the Planet of GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup

Ronnie Cummins – It is now blatantly obvious that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are nothing more than patented Pesticide Delivery Systems (PDS) designed to increase sales of poisonous agrochemicals such as Roundup, glufosinate…

Are Children Medicated for Convenience, or Necessity?

Dr. Mercola – The diagnosis of mental illness in children is far from an exact science. Modern psychiatry has expanded its reach to the point that even the most normal of emotions and mental states are now labeled as one “disorder” or another.

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