Search Results for fukushima

Another 22 Nuclear Power Plants Are In Tsunami Risk Areas

Marco Torres Waking Times Thanks to Japan’s Fukushima disaster, the entire northern hemisphere is now being polluted daily with trace levels of radioactive isotopes. Despite the contamination of everything from water to food and air, the world continues to march forward with deadly nuclear power initiatives. Worse yet is that another 22 confirmed nuclear power

Do We Dare Keep Our Hearts Open?

Zen Gardner Funny how things evolve in the pursuit of truth. We’re emotional beings. That’s why the matrix makes everything out to be so cold and scientific. When I watch certain movies or musical presentations or see a touching human moment I get emotional. I can’t help it. People are emotional, I’m emotional, and I

The Battle Over Genetically Modified Organisms

Howard Straus Waking Times  Controversy over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has been increasing in intensity. The biotech industry’s history of mendaciousness regarding GMO plants extends all the way back to the first test plots of GMO crops. We were assured (apparently without any basis in fact) there was no chance whatever of the genes spreading

Occupy the Bomb: People Power Challenges Nuclear Power with Nationwide Demonstrations

Peter Rugh, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times  Occupy Nukes demonstrations were held in towns and cities across the United States on Monday, marking the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Approximately 140,000 civilians were killed by the bomb, code-named Little Boy, while hundreds of thousands died later of cancer, and thousands more

Gaia Begins to Reclaim Herself

Chris Bourne, Contributor Waking Times Have you been following the ‘freak’ weather recently? So the mainstream media have hooked on to the fact that ‘freak’ weather is taking place in various parts of the globe. From the record droughts right across America to the flash floods sweeping away cars, roads and houses in Japan. Here

Creation of Care: Occupy Bohemian Grove 2012 Heats Up This Weekend

Waking Times If the Bilderberg Group is the geopolitical tentacle of the New World Order, Bohemian Grove is slippery underbelly of occultism that is the ultimate expression of the misanthropy inherent at the highest levels of global elitist thought. Similar to Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove was flatly denounced as tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense until the alternative

Nuclear Insanity

Dr. Vandana Shiva Navdaya International Fukushima has raised, once again, the perennial questions about human fallibility and human frailty, about human hubris and man’s arrogance in thinking he can control nature. The earthquakes, the tsunami, the meltdown at Japan’s nuclear power plant are nature’s reminders of her power. The scientific and industrial revolution was based

Are You A ‘Terraist?’

Ethan, Contributing Writer Waking Times Defining ‘Terraism’ and exploring the negativity of ignoring nuclear experimentation. I like using new words and phrases. The first phrase I coined was the Petrolithic Era, defined as beginning just before World War One, in 1913, when Rudolf Diesel mysteriously died at sea crossing the English Channel. I always have


Eric, Day Blind Star Waking Times  I have always had a peculiar feeling about this place. Stretching back to my earliest memories there has always been a restlessness, like a tiger in a cage pacing back and forth with wide, unmoving eyes. Like a soul displaced and far from home. I muted myself early on and

Terraforming: Alien or Human, It’s Here

Zen Gardner This is about as creepy as it gets. But it’s right in front of our eyes. Our planet is clearly under attack. Anyone even half awake can see the world today is careening towards disaster when there is no reason for it. Our resources are plentiful, and the vast majority of people on

Why Does the World Shadow Government Destroy its Own Home (Planet)?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributor Waking Times Don’t these people live on the same planet, work in the same world, and play on the same turf as the rest of us?! Don’t they drink the same water, eat the same food, breathe the same air? Truly, the leaders of the World Shadow Government (WSG) have soiled their

Radiation, The Other Toxin

Capt. Randall Waking Times Few things strike fear into the hearts of men like the invisible terror of nuclear radiation. While the mention of a mushroom cloud sealed the sales pitch to invade Iraq a decade ago, today the subject of radiations whether from electromagnetic fields like cell phones, medical equipment, depleted uranium weaponry or

The Pacific Ocean Is Dying

Most of the world community is still unaware of the extremely profound and far-reaching effects that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has had. If the nations of the world really understood the implications of the actual ‘fallout’ – past, current and future – the current nuclear energy paradigm would be systematically shut down. For those of us who are in the know, it is incumbent upon each of us to disseminate the relevant information/data necessary to forever close down the nuclear power industry around the globe.

Can Spirulina Reverse Severe Radiation Poisoning?

According to Bodri, “Health restoration was reported even when radiation sickness was so advanced that the children’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets.” And the results occurred despite ongoing radiation exposure from contaminated food and water.

Based on the Minsk results, the Belarus Ministry of Health concluded that spirulina accelerates the evacuation of radionuclides from the human body, without adverse side effects. Spirulina was particularly efficient at deactivating radioactive caesium from their bodies.

Human Race Being Terminated by ‘Scientific Suicide’

The “science” practiced today is a science of domination and control. It is almost never carried out for humanitarian purposes to benefit humankind. Even the entire intellectual property “ownership” system of patents and trademarks is set up to grant corporate monopolies over innovation, thereby denying the People access to such innovations. Intellectual property laws have been twisted and exploited by corporate giants to hijack the innovation process and use it to crush competition.

Global Population Explosion Marks The End Of The Iron Age

The KALI YUGA, also known as the Iron Age, is acknowledged by the ancients to contain the seeds of its own destruction. The Mayan Long Count Calendar reveals when and how and where these seeds will sprout and grow into a vine of planetary disintegration.

Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown Converge to Create Global Perfect Storm

That the world community has yet to come together to address this nuclear catastrophe, which will most assuredly affect every square inch of the planet, is even more inconceivable. Just like the BP Gulf Oil Spill, the moment has been seized by those who would rather take advantage of this ‘distraction’ instead of using the opportunity to systematically shut down the entire industry.

Germany Embarks on Historic Alternative Energy Push

Germany’s plan is seen by some as an economic gamble, but many traditional energy companies — including nuclear power companies — are now lining up to invest in the strategic plan. One financial and energy analyst observed the plan would would make Germany’s energy market, the most important in Europe, “into a massive energy laboratory.”

The Re-Greening of Our Hearts (Part 1)

While green goods and technologies are a step towards a solution, it’s no longer enough simply to re-package a small percentage of our rampant consumerism model as “green.” We need pervasive sustainability, extending to the greening of our hearts, so that actual care emerges for our world, as opposed to image-manipulation for the sake of disguising our same capitalism, over-consumerism, and exploitation of nature.

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