Search Results for fukushima

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove environmental toxins, we are bound to get sick. So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body

Just How Toxic Are We?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Bathing in untainted waters is just one way to detox naturally.Most of us know by now that we live in a highly polluted world. We have come far from the days of living in an Edenic paradise, where all our needs were provided by nature, and this is due,

How the Media Prevents Meaningful Discussion About the Condition of Our Environment

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times For a normal human being who understands the value of having clean air and water to consume, clean soil to grow food in, and of living in a habitat that can support life, it is frustrating to watch one environmental calamity occur, after another without ever seeing a mainstream, non-politicized

Taking 100% Responsibility For the World We Have Created

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times “Work in the invisible world at least  as hard as you do in the visible.” – Rumi Inaction is not acceptable anymore in a world that poisons our food, pollutes our land, air, and water and commits atrocities against, man, animal and nature that would be too horrid even to

We Have Already Won

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times  Years ago, in conversation with my martial arts teacher, I told about a dilemma I was experiencing and said to him, “I don’t know what to do.” He said, “Why are you thinking about it so much… just do the right thing.” I muttered something like okay, thanks… realizing in

Who Will Save The Honey Bee? EU Mulls Pesticide Ban While US Set to Approve More

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times There are a number of grave ecological crises nagging at the status quo of modern life. Though the mainstream media prefers not to cover the enduring impact of events like Fukushima, the Deepwater Horizon or Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder, the truth remains that these issues are vastly more important

The Normal Person’s New World Order

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times “Attention is the universal currency in the quantum economy; we really do get what we pay for.” –Craig Pinegar The term New World Order (NWO) is ubiquitous in our society nowadays, and is repeated by world leaders, pop-stars, graffiti artists, and scholars. What does it mean? Something different to each of

A Day in The Life: Our Toxic Lives

The Transition of Consciousness Waking Times  This article may be quite challenging for you. I am going to take you through a day in the life of what may quite possibly be your own life. I can’t help but think that many of us just never think about the toxins that we come into contact

The 3 Foods That Can Be Destroying Your Health

Neda Smith, FDN, CMTA, HHC, Guest Writer Waking Times Often addiction, especially to food, occurs during your childhood years. We all remember eating cereal as kids, but over the past three years the amount of cereal consumed by children and adults has increased to an all-time high. In its original form it was designed to

Fluoridated Water – The Ultimate Evil

Dr. Sircus, Guest Writer Waking Times Sodium fluoride is commonly used as a rat poison. Globalists and eugenicists have decided to add it to water supplies with the message to the public that it is good for teeth, despite warnings from the ADA stating that young children risk a disease called dental fluorosis. Water actually is a

Why The Apple Is One Of The World’s Most Healing Superfoods

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged — to name but a few, experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This age old

A World In Denial: Underestimating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

Richard Wilcox, Guest Writer Waking Times  cognitive dissonance – noun – Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information…. when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information or by convincing themselves that no

The Seven Human Energy Chakras

Zazenking, ZazenLife Waking Times According to the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the human body has seven “force centers” or energy focal points that are used for the reception and transmission of energies. These are known as chakras. It is typical for chakras to be depicted as either flower-like or wheel-like centers

Reconstructing Our Global Reality

Chris Renzo, Contributing Writer Waking Times Our nation, the United States, is the richest and most powerful nation in the world. The rich live a decadent lifestyle, and there exists a large middle class, but tens of millions live in poverty. 50% million people [1/6 of our population] cannot afford basic health services. 15% of our people live

The Secret History of the War on Cancer

Dr. Ben Kim, Guest Writer Waking Times For many years, I have explained to questioning family members and friends why I cannot support conventional cancer-fighting fundraising campaigns. I am not completely against conventional medical treatment options for different types of cancer. For example, for a good number of people that I have worked with over

Is ‘The New Normal’ Total Control?

Anne Gordan, RN Waking Times It appears that food, air, water, power, pets, and your physiology, etc., are targets for control. Think about it. We have already unknowingly eaten GM food, been victims of toxic environmental disasters, un-leashed depleted uranium upon the earth, yet we sit on the sidelines watching total control unfold. Today we have diseases that did not exist in

The Invisible Nuclear Threat Within Non-Organic Food

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Whether you know it or or not, nuclear waste (cobalt-60) has been used for decades to make your food “safer.” There is a profound misunderstanding in the mass market today about the value of certified organic food.  The question is not whether the 50% higher or more you pay at

Can Nuking Your Food Make It Safer To Eat?

Sayer Ji Waking Times  There is a profound misunderstanding in the mass market today about the value of certified organic food.  The question is not whether the 40% or more you pay at the register for an organic product is really worth the added vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient content you receive.  Even though organic food

Will the Moab Desert be Home to the First US Tar Sands Project?

Staff Writer Waking Times  The various Tar Sands projects in the wilds of Alberta, Canada make up the largest industrial project on the planet, producing synthetic crude oil by a process of extracting a tar like form of oil (bitumen) from sand and clay found in the earth. To extract the bitumen laced sand, the soil

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