Search Results for free energy

Junk Foods Promote Hunger and Overeating

Dr. Mercola – Recent research found a single week of bingeing on fast foods impaired appetite control, making the volunteers more likely to desire more junk food, even if they’d just eaten.

Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG

Sayer Ji – Groundbreaking research indicates that most of what is believed about the purportedly deadly properties of viruses like influenza is, in fact, not evidence-based but myth…

5G and the China Epidemic

Jon Rappoport – One person says, ‘X is the cause.’ Another says, ‘No, Y is the cause.’ Is it possible that X and Y are both causing the event? Of course.

Taking Back Our Power

Elva Thompson – The human aura or electromagnetic field can extend from three feet to twelve feet from our bodies on all sides.

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