Search Results for free energy

The 7 Chakras – Portals to Cosmic Awakening

Anthony O’Flynn – The chakras are our energetic blueprint. The knowledge of the chakras is a critical component to genuinely understand the nonphysical energy body.

The Indivisibility of Life

Julian Rose – The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings.

Be Your Own Revolution

Caitlin Johnstone – I made the mistake of involving myself in a sectarian Twitter spat when I was halfway through my morning coffee today and I instantly felt like an idiot.

The Lockdown Will Never End

Dian Cecht – Already the globalists are talking about declaring climate change a health emergency and using lockdowns.

The Importance of Solitude and Meditation

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Meditation and solitude are “entrances” into this hunger for the unknown. Indeed, but this is no time for self-pity. This is a time to fill in the blind spot.

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