Search Results for fracking

The Eleventh Hour – Decision Time

R. Teichmann, Contributor Waking Times It is a well-known fact in biology that pressures of an existential nature on a species result in two possible outcomes. The first outcome is that the species evolves. It adapts by way of biological evolution to the new conditions and survives. The second is that the species does not

From the Summer of Love to the Arab Spring

Robert Bonomo, Contributor Waking Times “Those who believe that the world of being is governed by luck or chance and that it depends upon material causes are far removed from the divine and from the notion of the One.” — Plotinus On May 27, 2010 the planet Uranus entered Aries and in December of that same

Let’s Help Light the Matrix

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times There are times, in my books and articles, when I talk about an external control system that many of us are aware of, and others are awakening to. I ask readers to examine how we are socially and culturally conditioned, and programmed by messages that manipulate our emotions and base

Tar Sands’ Next Frontier: Shipments on the Great Lakes

Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog Waking Times The Great Lakes, drinking water source for over 40 million North Americans, could be the next target on tar sands marketers’ bullseye according to a major new report out by the Chicago-based Alliance for the Great Lakes. The 24-page report, “Oil and Water: Tar Sands Crude Shipping Meets the Great Lakes?” unpacks a new looming threat

Gulf of Mexico Deep Sea May Need Decades to Recover From Oil Spill

Nicholas St. Fleur, Mongabay Waking Times The catastrophic explosion that spewed some five million barrels of oil deep into the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 will take a heavy toll in the ocean’s lowest layers for years to come. That’s the stark conclusion of seafloor research conducted six months after the Deepwater Horizon oil

Could California’s Shale Oil Boom Be Just a Mirage?

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Since the shale rush took off starting in 2005 in Texas, drillers have sprinted from one state to the next, chasing the promise of cheaper, easier, more productive wells. This land rush was fueled by a wild spike in natural gas prices that helped make shale gas drilling attractive even though the

Indigenous Elders and Medicine Peoples Council Statement on Fukushima

Indigenous Action Waking Times This statement reflects the wisdom of the Spiritual People of the Earth, of North and South America, working in unity to restore peace, harmony and balance for our collective future and for all living beings. This statement is written in black and white with a foreign language that is not our own

A Great Turning

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Autumn is a wonderful season especially for those sensitive to the pulls exerted by the Earth’s core. That means those ready to be pulled downwards. Those who do not resist the binding of all disparate energies recalled to the source during ‘The Fall’. Here is where we find ourselves again. In

Global Pressure – Reject Conditioning, Break Through the Programmed Response

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times I’m going to begin with the image of a tree because there is plenty of symbology around that image: I’ll rest my back against it for a bit as I put these thoughts together. Our tree will symbolize inexhaustible life transforming, and since it is also said to span dimensions,

Ag-Gag Lawsuit Challenges Corporate Attempts to Criminalize Free Speech and Journalism

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times The first lawsuit against ag-gag laws will be filed in Utah today, arguing that it is unconstitutional to criminalize investigative journalists and animal welfare advocates who expose cruelty at factory farms and slaughterhouses. The lawsuit brings together activists, academics, and journalists who are directly targeted by the law:

Whether By Train Or By Pipeline, Oil and Gas Transport Is Unsafe

Don Lieber, DeSmogBlog Waking Times The deadly oil train disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec on July 5, which (as of this writing) has left 33 people dead, with 17 still missing, and contaminated over 60 miles of local drinking water sources, has initiated a curious response across the media spectrum. Some observers cite this accident as reason

Contaminated Water, Land Damage, and Earthquakes: The Legacy of Waste Injection Wells

Elizabeth Hand, De Smog Blog Waking Times Early scientific analysis predicted that the risks associated with hazardous waste injection wells would be negligible. Unfortunately, experience has indicated that disposing of hazardous waste deep underground has been linked to water contamination, destroyed ecosystems, toxic leaks and earthquakes. Now we are learning that there is a difference between scientific

10 Vital Areas of Inner Purification

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times In our recent video diary Transformation of Humanity, we spoke of the pressing need for people everywhere to reclaim our spiritual power in order to transform society into a new paradigm: to prevent immanent, wholesale, takeover by the industrial military complex, fueled by a behind-the-scenes Opposing Consciousness. We spoke of

Radioactive Waste From the Marcellus Shale Continues to Draw Concern

Sharon Kelly, Desmog Blog Waking Times Amid all the pushback to fracking, most of the attention has focused on what drillers put into the ground. The amount of water used. The chemicals that make up energy companies’ secret mix. Whether these dangerous chemicals will contaminate our drinking water. But one of the biggest problems of

North Carolina Law Would Make It Illegal to Expose Monsanto

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times Two million people in 52 countriesmarched against Monsanto last week in protest of genetically-modified food and in support of consumer choice. There’s international pressure on this GMO giant like never before. But proposed legislation in North Carolina would make it illegal for whistleblowers to expose how Monsanto

How the Media Prevents Meaningful Discussion About the Condition of Our Environment

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times For a normal human being who understands the value of having clean air and water to consume, clean soil to grow food in, and of living in a habitat that can support life, it is frustrating to watch one environmental calamity occur, after another without ever seeing a mainstream, non-politicized

Brave Mad World: The Control of Mind and Body

Douglas Chapman, Strange Mag Waking Times People who believe they have been targeted by mind control technologies have often been met with skepticism or outright disbelief. However, recent revelations concerning very real ongoing scientific research by the government, coupled with technologies under development in the private sector, make it harder than ever to completely dismiss these

Can Large-Scale Environmental Devastation Really Be Reversed?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Throughout centuries of farming, animal grazing and deforestation, the earth’s natural resources have been exhausted. Deserts are encroaching into previous lush areas and water is becoming alarmingly scarce. Our soil is depleting 13% faster than it can be replaced, and we’ve lost 75% of the world’s crop varieties in just the
