Search Results for fracking

Terraforming: Alien or Human, It’s Here

Zen Gardner This is about as creepy as it gets. But it’s right in front of our eyes. Our planet is clearly under attack. Anyone even half awake can see the world today is careening towards disaster when there is no reason for it. Our resources are plentiful, and the vast majority of people on

Acts of God – A Revolution of the Heart

Sharon Brown, Sacred Fire Contributing Writer Waking Times We’re calling for a revolution. Like 200,000,000 other people in the world, I saw Avatar. Watching the film in 3-D was a magical immersion.  While the storyline often felt predictable, I had a visceral longing to be part of the alien world, Pandora.  The film offered a

Why Does the World Shadow Government Destroy its Own Home (Planet)?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributor Waking Times Don’t these people live on the same planet, work in the same world, and play on the same turf as the rest of us?! Don’t they drink the same water, eat the same food, breathe the same air? Truly, the leaders of the World Shadow Government (WSG) have soiled their

Money is Not Needed with Energy Abundance

Once society developed past the clan stage, when barter, trade and so forth arose, it became the practice to place value on the products of human energy expended. If one used one’s energy to build a bow, go out hunting, kill an animal, process the carcass, and transport the meat back to be traded or bartered for, this gave that meat value. The bow components were free, as was the animal.

Extreme Energy: The Road to Nowhere

Extreme Energy (sometimes written Xtreme Energy) is a term used to describe a group of energy extraction methods that have emerged in recent years as the availability of fossil fuel resources has become more constrained. As more usual methods of extracting fossil fuels fail to provide the amounts of energy that civilisation demands governments and corporations are taking increasingly extreme measures to feed these demands.

Strange Sounds In The Sky All Around The World

Could these sounds have something to do with changes in the magnetic field of the earth? That is much more realistic that many people may think. Some really weird things have been going on with the magnetic field of the earth lately. This is definitely one area that should be investigated further.

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