Search Results for fluoride

Fluoride is Not Safe, Despite CDC Claims

Fluoride still has its place in many municipal water supplies and dental products throughout this country – at least that’s what the CDC thinks. The CDC calls public fluoridation one of the foremost health achievements of the 20th century, and yet fluoride is a deadly substance that has been pushed using propaganda.

Prove To Anyone That Fluoride Is Bad For You…. And Dumbing Society Down!

So it is apparent that fluoride is a poisonous by-product of industry. If fluoride is a main ingredient in Procaz, are governments that allow water fluoridation attempting to dumb their people down? Are we more malleable as a society when fluoride is present? I would say Yes and Yes!!

Top Scientist: Fluoride Already Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths

Water fluoridation is a highly controversial topic, with many individuals voicing massive concern over the practice. In contrast, some stick to the concept that there isn’t any association between fluoride and any real negative effects. Fluoride, however, is indeed a toxic substance, and has been tied with numerous health complications in well-established research.

All Out War On the Life Force

Julian Rose – It’s a battle royal, make no mistake. The road to peace is not secured via passivity and wishful thinking. Not at all. Not even prayer. 

Ordo Ab Chao – Order out of Chaos

Elva Thompson – Chaos is deliberately created to slow down our vibrations, lock us into the matrix so that we cannot resonate with the ascension frequency.

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