Search Results for fluoride

Pineal Activation, Solar Gazing and DNA Recoding

Mona Bhattacharya, Wakeup-World Waking Times The pineal gland is the center for receiving the rays of sunlight, which once received are shot in different directions of the body. Also, it is the receiver of crown energy, which holds an incredible amount of information about your past, who you are as a soul, your future, your evolution

Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness?

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  As humanity continues into the new millennium, technology and communication continue to play an increasingly important role in human life. Today, most people in developed countries are completely connected through cell phones, tablets and computers. Today’s households have an increasing array of electrical devices, from wireless modems to intelligent appliances to

‘Proof of Heaven’ Documents Existence of Afterlife, Multiverse, Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, Multidimensional Realities

Mike Adams, Divinity Now Waking Times  There’s a secret that’s much bigger than politics, health freedom, science or even the entire history of the human race. That secret remains entirely unacknowledged — even condemned — by the scientific community, and yet it is the single most important secret about everything that is. Yes, everything. That

The Healing Miracle of Water

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Water is an element that we are very familiar with because it is found in nearly every place on Earth and is also a part of us. According to certain researchers, our bodies and planet Earth are made of roughly 70 percent water. Even though we are very

The Effect of Solar Flares on the Pineal Gland

Adonai, The Watchers Waking Times According to study published in the New Scientist back in 1998, there is a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effects. The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance — is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather —– the magnetic

Are Poor Nutrition, Soy, and Gluten Disrupting Your Thyroid?

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times  For the past few years I’ve had in the back of my mind the question of whether or not my thyroid function is healthy. No, I haven’t had it checked, but I have done the little self-tests that one can easily find online. The results are varied, of course.

Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Pineal Gland With These Simple Exercises

Lapis Links Waking Times Editor’s Note:  This is an interesting method for awakening the Pineal Gland. Give it a try! Note: Original article edited for formatting and clarity AWAKENING I Please read all of the following. If you wish to perform this exercise, you need to understand what you will be doing. It is important to

Even TV in the Background Impacts Brain Development in Children

Lisa Garber Waking Times  Have you ever wondered why some babies are chatterboxes and others are quiet? Dr. Victor Strasburger can always tell which toddlers are being read to by grown-ups and which ones have the TV babysitter. “The babies that are being read to are just chattering away, and the babies that sit in

West Nile Virus and World Peace

Two Rivers, Contributing Writer Waking Times Sometimes the universe is just so perfect. Such a time is now. You wouldn’t think that West Nile virus was anyone’s friend but you’d be wrong. It offers a gift to humanity. And here is how that’s so. In the country right now (even in the world), the pesticide

Nanotechnology, Terra-Forming, Transhumanism, and You

Anne Gordon, RN Waking Times  Many things are being altered right before our eyes, mostly without our consent, or knowledge. These changes are coming from well-funded and classified experiments, accidents, and new science, often with creepy ‘modern’ agendas driving them. This sort of broad scale change is unfolding in nearly every facet of our lives. But

Dispelling the Psychopaths From Our Quantum Soup

Carwyn Rudo, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Raw Milk and Psychopaths in Our Soup In a world in which we see psychopathic politicians and industry leaders flourishing, it behooves us to consider which conditions are ideal for and which inimical to such pathology. Looking at the fundamental conditions underlying pathology becomes paramount since resistance has been

The Dangers of Tap Water and How to Protect Yourself

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times It’s no secret that tap water contains a medley of harsh chemicals, heavy metals, fecal matter, puss, urine, and many other problematic substances. The dangers of tap water have been well documented throughout the past several decades, with officials now admitting that tap water is the exact same quality as wastewater (also known as ‘toilet

Love’s Tipping Point

Bob Bhakti, Contributing Writer Waking Times Fracking, Vaccines, GMOs, Police State Control, Drugs, Rapacious Greed, Disappearing Species, Racism, Polluted Oceans, Diseases, Wars …. This article sprang from a reaction to watching Robert Verkerk speaking in the documentary, “War on Health” about the attempt by the pharmaceutical industry to end humanity’s access to nutrients in the

Malnutrition: The Unreported Reason Why Children’s Cavities Are On The Rise

Ramiel Nagel Waking Times Children’s cavities are on the rise, and children today who have cavities are requiring more expensive and extensive dental surgery to hide the problems of dental decay. “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported there was an increase five years ago in the number of preschool children with cavities, for

Study Confirms Fluoridated Water Affects IQ and Neurobehavioral Development in Children

Marco Torres Waking Times Although fluoride has been proven to cause neurotoxicity in animal models, very little published research has elaborated on acute fluoride poisoning and neurotoxicity in adults and children. A report in a peer-reviewed open access journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of

When It’s Time For a Health Check-up, Avoiding Your Doctor Can Save Your Life

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Today, more than ever, conventional medicine is one of the biggest threats to your health. You’re nearly 300,000 times more likely to die from a preventable medical injury during a hospital stay. Pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than food supplements and 7,750 times more

Why the Pineal Gland and Mental Health are Most Important in These Times

Adonai, The Watchers Waking Times A clean pineal gland and strong mental health are most important to tell the truth from the lies and take control of your life back to your own hands. While we spend our days being manipulated slaves, science and spirituality are joining up and offering us clues. Today we can

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