Search Results for fluoride

How to Reclaim Your Mind

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times This is an important piece for those that wish to begin walking their true path in life. Many, including myself, fall victim to advertising, propaganda, and poor food choices that all cloud our true thoughts and beliefs. There are many systems in place to gently steer the way we

Chemtrails Cause Harm, Even If You Don’t Believe they Exist

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Are you aware of chemtrails? A controversial ‘conspiracy’ topic, chemtrails are chemical sprayings in the air that ultimately expose the population to toxic chemicals and heavy metals. And they are causing harm, even if you don’t think they exist. A common phrase used for chemtrailing is aerosol spraying. Some claim

It’s Okay To NOT ‘Fit In’ With Society

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Do you feel like you sometimes don’t ‘fit in’ with society? Have you ever caught yourself looking at all of the unhealthy food in someone else’s shopping cart at the grocery store? When you see people blindly following others, does it make you feel a little uncomfortable? Are

Number of Chemicals Known To Be Toxic To Children’s Brains Has Doubled In The Last 7 years

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency. The review published in The Lancet Neurology journal, says the news is so troubling they are calling for a worldwide overhaul of the regulatory

How to Naturally Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay

Dr. Josh Axe & Eric Zielinski, Waking Times There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed or healed. Then the only solution is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material. But according to a study

Iboga, the Matrix, and Pineal Gland Decalcification

Dylan Charles, Staff Waking Times The pineal gland has been at the core of spiritual traditions dating back thousands of years, spanning all inhabited continents. Prominently carved onto Buddhist statues, ceremoniously painted onto tribal faces, and deceptively displayed in the Vatican square, the pineal gland, known as the Third Eye, or Seat of the Soul,

9 Key Components of the Shift Towards Higher Consciousness

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow

10 Steps to Free Yourself From the Conspiracy Against Enlightenment

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times To those who’ve made the effort to cultivate their spiritual nature and who’ve learned to see beyond the five sense reality that has most of us isolated in the material world, it is clear that enlightenment and higher states of consciousness are part of our original human nature. Our birthright.

12 Ways to Calm the Overactive Mind

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Have you ever laid in bed trying to sleep while a constant stream of thoughts flow through your mind?  Do you perpetually think about random thoughts throughout the day? Law of Attraction According to the Law of Attraction, you will receive whatever is predominantly on your mind.  If your

Countless Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, the Strange, and the Downright Odd

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Coconut oil has been a dietary and beauty staple for millennia. It’s a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses to bacteria to protozoa, many of which can be harmful, and provides your body with high-quality fat that is critical for optimal health. Around 50 percent of the fat

Is Water Fluoridation to Blame for the Fattening of America?

Carolanne Wright, Guest Waking Times As more information comes to light about fluoride poisoning across the country, connections between the chemical and weight gain are garnering attention. A known suppressor of the thyroid gland, fluoride is a major player in the rampant increase of obesity. But the toxicity of fluoride is subtle and can also

The Role of Toxins in Spiritual Advancement

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times It is your birthright to grow spiritually. You will mature spiritually even if you try not to, since all experience, whether labeled ‘good’ or ‘bad’ facilitates our return to spirit. Practices like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi-Gong, and other esoteric wisdom aim at expediting our growth instead of slowing it. It

Well Bodies, Open Minds – Today Would Be Good

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times Having studied naturopathy and holistic healing for over 30 years now, and practising (for the most part) the principles of healthy living – I have to say, I’m depressed. The world is crazy. I am probably more informed than most on the dangers of fluoridation, chlorination, vaccination, GMOs, EMFs…..the list

7 Ways to Overcome the Insanity of Modern Life

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Without question, these modern times are becoming more and more challenging to ordinary people as concerning news and events overwhelm us. An honest assessment of the human condition reveals perils of every type. The economy sucks thanks to the greedy criminals who have death-grip on our monetary system. People seem

Enhance Spiritual, Mental and Physical Well-Being With a Pineal Gland Detox

Carolanne Wright, Guest Waking Times A tiny gland in the center of the brain named the pineal may seem insignificant, but researchers have found it to be vital for physical, mental and, many believe, spiritual health. Through poor diet, exposure to toxins, stress and modern lifestyle choices, the pineal gland becomes hardened, calcified and shuts

Simplifying Probiotics – A Path To Improving Your Gut Health

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Billions of beneficial bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotics, live in the human body. These bacteria are part of what keeps the body in balance in order to maintain overall good health. They reside in the human digestive system, specifically the intestinal tract also referred to as the gut, (as

Activating Your Pineal Gland

Eden Shetiyah, In5D Guest Waking Times Having trouble meditating, or remembering your dreams, or just feeling lost and disconnected from the Source? The problem may be a blocked (or calcified) pineal gland. The pineal gland, referred to as the Third Eye, the Eye of Horus or the Seat of the Soul, is a small pine cone shaped

More Communities Succeed in Eliminating Water Fluoridation, While Chemical Industry Raises the Stakes

Dr. Mercola Waking Times After generations of misleading propaganda about the benefits of water fluoridation, the truth is finally getting some traction. According to the former EPA risk assessment scientist, Dr. William Hirzy, water fluoridation still remains a government policy because of “institutional inertia [and] embarrassment among government agencies that have been promoting this stuff

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above, and You may Not Know

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times If aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants aren’t good for us, how can chemtrails being sprayed in our neighborhoods be benign? Geo-engineering, otherwise known as chemtrails, have been exposed by numerous alternative news outlets, reporters, and documentaries such as What in the World Are They Spraying? In this important piece of social activism, we can

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