Search Results for fluoride

Healing Is Voltage

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Maintaining an alkaline environment is a key to good health. As our voltage drops below a certain voltage, we begin to experience fatigue. As the voltage further drops (and thus the pH drops) we become prone to developing health problems. Cancer cells, for example, have a pH of about

Nutrition for the Mind’s Eye: Foods to Reactivate Your Pineal Gland

Amie Moses, Learning-Mind Waking Times The mind’s eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is considered to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness. In case you weren’t aware, the pineal gland is a small pine cone shaped endocrine gland in the brain that produces and secretes the hormone, melatonin. It is also believed

Iboga – Sacred Healing Root of Africa

Terence Newton, Staff Writer Waking Times The recent interest in psychoactive plants as medicines has changed the dynamic of how the Western world views ‘drugs,’ and Cannabis is finally being legalized and appreciated for its legitimate healing properties. New research is pointing out the psychological benefits of psilocybin containing mushrooms, as the psychedelic mushroom experience

Nonconformity and the Normalcy Bias

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that surrenders to a curious state called “normal.” Normal is a cultivated space, fashioned from how we see ourselves and how we’d like others to see us. It’s a weighted measure, balancing self-appraisal

Is There An Organ In Your Brain Which Seats Your Soul? This May Be The Answer

Jeff Roberts, Collective-Evolution Waking Times “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” Matthew 6:22-23 A Gateway To Between The Physical And Metaphysical? Situated at the anatomical center of our brain lies a mysterious gland that may be the intermediary gate

31 Ways Turmeric Protects Against The Post-Industrial ‘Chemical Apocalypse’

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Living in a post-industrial world awash in toxic chemicals this ancient healing spice may be the ultimate answer to regaining your health. In a world increasingly saturated through with known cancer-causing toxicants, folks are understandably growing despondent.  Thousands of petrochemicals are now found not only in our body

Raising Your Vibration Through The Universal Law of Soul Evolution

Gregg Prescott, In5D Guest Waking Times We have all heard the term, ‘raising your vibration’ but what does it really mean and how can it be raised through the Universal Law of Soul Evolution? What does it mean to raise your vibration? In the simplest of terms, raising your vibration involves making selfless, positive choices in

10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to its Mystery

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our

Is Your Body Infested with Self-Replicating Nano-Fibers?

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times Many of us already know that public health is under attack on almost every front. We’re talking genetic manipulation by GMO foods, a massive global program of geo-engineering, radiation poisoning from many sources, the bastardization of nutrition, an ongoing media propaganda and fear campaign, the chemical poisoning of water

16 Signs That You’re a Slave to the Matrix

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times Today’s world is a strange place. We are inundated with signals from early on in life, encouraging each of us to walk a particular path, establishing blinders on us along the way to discourage us from looking for alternatives to what the herd is doing or thinking. Life is

Steeped in the Matrix in the Shadow of Indifference

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can transition the mind from vibrancy into a banal state of cognitive dissonance. Here we find the shadow of indifference and the trappings of complicity. But what is the path of the slow

10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to the Mystery of Spirituality

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our

7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times From birth, virtually all of us have been brainwashed through various outlets that encourage materialism, ego, subservience, control and conformity. But where do the origins of mind control begin and what can we do about it? 1. Religion As children, the brainwashing begins in the church when we

Toxic Combo of Roundup and Fertilizers Blamed for Tens of Thousands of Deaths

Dr. Mercola Waking Times The public’s appreciation of the toxicity of glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto’s broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup—is still limited, despite highly damning research being published. The fact that Monsanto marketed Roundup as “environmentally friendly” and “biodegradable” probably has a lot to do with this general lack of insight. More people are apt to

Environmental Toxins Linked to Rise in Autism

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Three decades ago, when I was still in medical school, autism affected one in 10,000 children.1, 2 What changed between then and now to cause one in 50 children3 to become autistic? Mounting research—not to mention plain logic—indicates that brain disorders are the result of excessive exposure to toxins from multiple sources—including the mother,

Our Respective Journeys Into the Valley of Reason

Michael T. Winter, Contributor Waking Times The Internet awakening has given birth to a worldwide multitude of people that are disengaging from the programmed paradigm created for us, and awakening to the reality of the dangers we face. The web has supplied a platform for writers to take a crack at opening the eyes of

Do You Believe In Medical Conspiracy Theories?

Daisy Luther, Contributor Waking Times Do you believe in “medical conspiracy theories”? If so, you are in good company. According to a survey undertaken by professors at the University of Chicago, more than half of all Americans believe in one or more so-called “medical conspiracy theories”. Of course, most of us know that the derogatory term “conspiracy theory”

Oral Pathogens Can Lead to Cancers in Other Parts of Your Body

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Good oral hygiene is even more important than previously thought. Pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins can harm more than just your mouth when they circulate through your bloodstream—they can potentially cause secondary infections and chronic inflammation throughout your body. The fact that oral pathogens can make their way to distant parts

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