Search Results for fluoride

How to Protect Yourself From Tap Water

Alex Pietrowski – As more contaminants enter drinking water supplies, it is more important to filter your drinking water. Here’s what you need to know…

The Dangers of Everyday Chemicals Revealed

Dr. Mercola – A number of common household chemicals are endocrine disruptors, meaning, they disrupt your hormone function. Do you know what they are?

10 Food Facts That May Surprise You

Karen Foster – From the color of foods to their fat content and nutritional value, there are facts about what we consume, their origin and manufacture which is not common knowledge and rarely promoted as truth. Here are 10 food facts that still surprise the majority.

How WHOLE Turmeric Heals The Damaged Brain

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Long considered impossible to accomplish, new research reveals how a simple spice might contribute to the regeneration of the damaged brain. Turmeric is hands down one of the, if not the, most versatile healing spice in the world with over 600 experimentally confirmed health benefits, and an ancient history filled

Fluoridated Water Can Calcify Arteries, Study Finds

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Fluoride is put in your drinking water ‘for your teeth’ without your consent, but did you know that it could also be calcifying your arteries? A few years ago, we reported on a study evaluating a new diagnostic technology that inadvertently revealed a link between fluoride exposure and coronary

At What Point Did We Start Accepting Our Insane World As The Norm?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Ever wonder when it was that we all started submitting to the terms of life as we are subjected to on a daily basis? When did we start accepting the poisoning of our water supply with fluoride and other toxins? When did we start saying it’s ok to pollute

Accessing High Frequency Energy With Your Pineal Gland

Pao L. Chang, Contributor Waking Times If you want to be healthy at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level, you need to learn how to access high frequency energy. This type of healing energy is essential for health for the reason that it raises the frequency of your body and soul. The frequency rate

Drop Out and Simplify Your Life

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I was thinking about this very subject and sat down to put some notes together when I stopped to moderate comments on the site. And here was this synchronistic and very wise comment from Soliel: Despite all the fear-mongering out there, many have remained steadfast in their truth. The juggernaut

5 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Awareness

Pao L. Chang, Guest Waking Times Many of us seem to think that being spiritual means we have to be religious. Just because you aren’t directly affiliated with a specific religion doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to be more spiritual. The whole concept of spiritual awareness isn’t all about connecting with a higher divine power,

Youtube Safety Mode Censorship: Latest Battleground in the War on Consciousness

David Gardner, Guest Waking Times YouTube was once a bastion of free speech, an open venue where alternative information could circulate and wake up millions worldwide. Now it’s increasingly a place where truth is suppressed, as YouTube’s 6 billion+ hours of content is ‘soft censored’ on the sly by its mysterious ‘safety mode’. Keep reading

This is What Happens When an Artist Suffers Cancer of the Pineal Gland

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The tiny, pea sized pineal gland located in the center of the human brain has for ages been thought to be the seat of the soul, or the third eye, the organ which makes spiritual connection and spiritual experience possible. Prone to calcification from fluoridated water and other toxins

Consciousness and Technology – 3 Mind Expanding Comparisons

Dylan Charles Waking Times Of all the pursuits of human kind, the understanding and exploration of consciousness offers the most likely opportunity for us to realize a civilization oriented towards cooperation, compassion, sustainability, and respect for life. Awakening to higher states of consciousness is the process by which a person, or a collective, can re-organize

The Top 15 Lies You’re Being Told About Health and Mainstream Medicine

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Do you ever question what doctors, nutritionists, institutions and even science tells you about your health, food, environment and lifestyle? You should, because we live in an era of deception and duplicity where the most trusted and valued sources of information are hijacked by much bigger interests than you

Selling Illusions and the Dark Side of Politics

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can be persuaded into believing in something that isn’t real. The magician with his iconic hat and cloak is far from being the master of such illusions. This dubious distinction belongs to the politician.

Bad for Teeth, the Brain and Pineal Gland – Is Fluoridating Water Worth It?

Geweckt Indigo, Contributor Waking Times Public water fluoridation is one of the most controversial topics today. The people who are advocates for water fluoridation, claim that adding this substance to the public water is beneficial to the community’s dental health because it hardens the enamel on  teeth protecting it from acid and bacteria, making it

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