The Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex Is World’s Greatest Threat
Dr. Mercola – It is “an interlocking set of corporations and other institutions who feed off and support each other with goods and services in a self-reinforcing way.”
Dr. Mercola – It is “an interlocking set of corporations and other institutions who feed off and support each other with goods and services in a self-reinforcing way.”
Dr. Tim Coles – Self-empowerment is key to winning the psychological war.
James Bovard – How government and media use the phrase to suppress opposition.
Don Via Jr. – A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research has put yet another nail in the already closed coffin of the pro-lockdown narrative.
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead – This is not freedom, America.
Birsen Flip – The social engineers have managed to make many people believe that the goals of the lockdowns are in fact their own goals.
Megan Redshaw – The risks simply do not outweigh the potential rewards.
Dr. Mercola – These injections are clearly not vaccines. They don’t work like any previous conventional vaccines.
Dr. Mercola – Governments are using fear to control and manipulate their citizens.
Matt Agorist – Instead of investigating these legitimate concerns, governments have taken to issuing bribes and mandates in order to increase vaccine uptake.
Megan Redshaw – For the fifth time since the onset of the COVID pandemic in early 2020, the skyrocketing price of Moderna stock has produced a billionaire.
Megan Redshaw – The European Commission on June 14 signed legislation to create the EU Digital COVID Certificate.
Dr. Mercola – What does The New York Times and a majority of other legacy media have in common with Big Pharma?
Don Via Jr. – One should always question the motives of the media when they adopt a story.
Tyler Durden – The “emergency” meeting is in 7 days? … and in the meantime, every public health authority figure is encouraging parents to get their young children vaccinated.
Dr. Mercola – The time to stand up for freedom is RIGHT NOW.
Jon Rappoport – It is criminally deceiving to say, “Vaccines are simple; they stimulate the immune system and confer immunity against specific germ agents.”
Dr. Mercola – It’s important to realize that vaccine passports or any other type of certification in and of themselves are not the end goal here.
Children’s Health Defense – A trove of emails obtained by BuzzFeed News reveal Fauci’s role in shaping the theory that SARS-Co-V-2 evolved naturally and deceiving the public on masks and natural immunity.
Matt Agorist – Instead of investigating cases of adverse reactions the government is spending your money on promoting the vaccine.