Search Results for conspiracy theorists

Smart Meters: How To Get Them Removed

Catherine J. Frompovich – The most egregious of all problems with ‘smart meters’ is the apparent adverse health effects from the electromagnetic radiation they send into personal homes.

What’s to Blame for Our Dying Planet?

Catherine J. Frompovich – Every day, commonplace humans who live, work, and try to make ends meet are being blamed for ruining Planet Earth. Why?

9/11 After 13 Years

Paul Craig Roberts, Guest Waking Times The tragedy of September 11, 2001, goes far beyond the deaths of those who died in the towers and the deaths of firefighters and first responders who succumbed to illnesses caused by inhalation of toxic dust. For thirteen years a new generation of Americans has been born into the

Why Humanity Must Come Through

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Need I say it, we are living in – and through – an apocalyptic time. Disintegration and destruction manifest at an accelerating pace as our World is buffeted by a jumbled combination of opposing energies: the distorted man made toxic ones as well as the universal vibratory waves that are

Echo Down and the Tunnel Men

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that engages in logic and deductive reasoning. We are pretty darn good at putting two and two together, especially when provided reliable data and a modicum of evidence. Our powers of deduction are perhaps

New Mind Reading Research Aims to Synchronize Humans

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times The obsession with finding new ways to decode the human brain and seek to control it continues unabated. The spate of new developments, which now seem to come almost daily, can be attributed to the large commitment made by the U.S. BRAIN project and its much larger European counterpart the Human Brain Project.

Children Receive 80 Vaccinations Throughout Childhood – New Links to Autism Found

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution Waking Times A new vaccine study published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular and Genetic Medicine is bringing more awareness to the connection between the dramatic increase in the quantity of routine childhood vaccines and the correlating increase in inflammation-associated disorders. (1) “A massive increase in immunization has occurred. In the United States for example since

The 10 Most Important Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy.  — Nikola Tesla, 1892  Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death.  Was he for

The History Of The Tin Foil Hat

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times We have all heard of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists but where did the aluminum foil hat idea come from, why do people wear tin foil hats and what are its origins? Why would someone wear an aluminum foil hat? People who wear tinfoil hats do so to 1.

Are TED Talks Now Against Alternative Health?

Amanda Froelich, Guest Waking Times In case you haven’t heard, it seems TED (recently criticized as joining Monsanto’s GMO agenda) no longer supports any talks regarding GMOs, food as medicine, or even the subject of how food can help prevent behavioral disorders in children. In a recently written letter (that can be found here), TEDx

Playing God: 4 Geoengineering Projects Doomed To Fail While Polluting The Earth

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Geoengineering technologies are the stuff of Hollywood catastrophe flicks. It seems scientists want to play God with our climate and nothing will stop them. Researchers have recommended sending out a giant glass sunshade into space to reflect light; the eruption of artificial volcanoes, or spraying of sulphate aerosols into

Attacks on Health Reporters and Their Readers Are Escalating

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Truth becomes treason in an empire of lies. Attacks against health web sites like yours truly and others, and our readers—yes, that would be you—are rapidly escalating. Thinly veiled threats are issued not just by industry spokespersons (many of whom hide their industry ties from their readers), but also international organizations like UNICEF.

Understanding the Ruling Elite

Andy Thomas, New Dawn Waking Times Intense speculation on the ‘ruling elite’ many believe is running the world from behind the scenes can lead to the presumption that it is all-powerful and infallible. But is it? Identifying the human foibles and underlying desires of those who may be planning centralised domination could lead to a

So Why Are We Still Drinking Fluoride, Again?

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times We know that over 20 studies, many of which come from prestigious organizations like Harvard and are published in federal government journals, have told us how sodium fluoride is crushing our IQ. We know that a major head at the National Cancer Institute revealed decades ago that fluoride was causing ‘cancer

Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering – The Invisible Elephant in the Room

R. Teichmann, News Beacon Ireland Waking Times Don’t hear, don’t see, don’t speak. The subject of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering  (aka Chemtrails) and its impact on climate, health and life on this planet is undoubtedly one of the subjects avoided by the corporate controlled media in spite of being of utmost importance. But it is not

Is ‘The New Normal’ Total Control?

Anne Gordan, RN Waking Times It appears that food, air, water, power, pets, and your physiology, etc., are targets for control. Think about it. We have already unknowingly eaten GM food, been victims of toxic environmental disasters, un-leashed depleted uranium upon the earth, yet we sit on the sidelines watching total control unfold. Today we have diseases that did not exist in

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