Nobel Laureate Calls COVID-19 Manmade
Dr. Mercola – Montagnier says the COVID-19 virus pandemic will likely end from “interfering waves” because nature rejects molecular tampering.
Dr. Mercola – Montagnier says the COVID-19 virus pandemic will likely end from “interfering waves” because nature rejects molecular tampering.
Dylan Charles – Many don’t seem to fully comprehend what is being given away in this desperate hour,
Matt Agorist – Mainstream media across the planet continue to refer to the COVID-19 outbreak as the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918.
Dr. Mercola – Bill Gates’ answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits through toxic means.
Vic Bishop – If you’re looking for signs of hope right now, take a few minutes to see how people around the world are feeling about this.
Sayer Ji – We’re all in the midst of an epochal, civilization-level shift that is challenging us individually and collectively to our cores.
Dylan Charles – Official censorship of information is taking a quantum leap forward during the pandemic.
Charles Eisenstein – For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan’s beak to snap it in two.
Matt Agorist – One of the largest stories in the news this week was the ABC anchor who was recorded on a hot microphone ranting about how the network suppressed her story on Jeffrey Epstein and his ties to the elite.
Kingsley L. Dennis – An epidemic of information can just as easily turn into a pandemic of misinformation.
Whitney Webb – Evidence continues to mount that the official narrative itself is the most irrational explanation of September 11.
Madhava Setty, MD – A thorough look at the unusual ‘facts’ surrounding 9/11.
Emma Fiala – The house has joined together in a bi-partisan effort to expose the governments alleged tick crimes.
Emma Fiala – Many are saying the new standard will still be too high for safe consumption.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – In the crashing plane of an unhealthy culture, healthy people place the oxygen mask on themselves first.
Peter Paul Parker – Who exactly is going to benefit from the roll out of 5G technology?
Rosanne Lindsay – Opposites do not really exist as black and white, or righteous and unjust.
John W. Whitehead – Free speech is no longer free.
Isaac Davis – Psychiatric drugs, mental health, and a public fear. Are we being programmed?
Isaac Davis – In many ways, the dystopian nightmares of 20th century literature have become manifest in the 21st century.