6 Reasons Why Most Scientific Research is Fake, False or Fraudulent
Christina Sarich – Industry fraud and out right greed have ruined the credibility of scientific research.
Christina Sarich – Industry fraud and out right greed have ruined the credibility of scientific research.
Christina Sarich – Why are they still poisoning public water with this toxic chemical?
Christina Sarich – The United Nations aims to subvert fertility and increase mortality.
Christina Sarich – The first ever brain scans of people under the influence of LSD reveal a more unified, more complete brain.
Christina Sarich – Why is scientific research into the ‘Seat of the Soul’ still in its infancy?
Christina Sarich – There really is no better way to create a nation of obedient slaves than to lobotomize them from above.
Christina Sarich – What if the cure for your cold was opening a door for a complete stranger?
Christina Sarich – Plants are part of a larger intelligence that at we only just beginning to fathom.
Christina Sarich – Guess which presidential candidate is the paid for favorite of big pharma?
Christina Sarich – Australia is now a medical marijuana nation. Will the US be next?
Christina Sarich – Are you ready to take a vaccine for the Zika virus?
Christina Sarich – An internal employee who blew the whistle on fraud could win a serious reward.
Christina Sarich – A German supermarket chain with stores in the U.S., has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides toxic to bees.
Christina Sarich – This new device filters plastic bottles, bags, and even floating fuel, from marine waters without harming wildlife.
Christina Sarich – The ancients understood that cosmic harmony is the state of enlightenment.
Christina Sarich – With cheap gasoline at the pump, and increased interest rates, its difficult to see the hidden hand at work against the cabal.
Christina Sarich – Maybe this is really how to handle the ‘drug war.’
Christina Sarich – The Yurok Tribe, the largest Native American tribe in California, will join other peoples such as those from Russia, Italy, and Germany in saying NO to genetically modified organisms.
Christina Sarich – These are the primal archetypes we are playing in the awakening – which is your archetype?
Christina Sarich – The International Criminal Court will try Monsanto for crimes against humanity.