Search Results for christina sarich

Teen Scientist Makes Plastic Out of Banana Peels

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times The Google Science Fair has recently awarded Elif Bilgin, a 16-year old from Istanbul, Turkey, $50,000 as part of the Science in Action Award, Google’s annual science trophy given to people who make a practical difference by addressing environmental, health, or resource challenges that we face as a modern

Bill Gates and GMO Cronies Plan $30 Million Seed Vault While Poisoning the Planet

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Bill Gates has been listed by Forbes as one of the world’s richest men, so when he makes plans to do something, people take note. Bill’s Microsoft money allowed him to build the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with a huge $34.6 billion endowment and the ability to spend

Whistleblower Edward Snowden Releases Statement from Moscow: Still Seeking Asylum

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times As the Obama administration strongly chides Edward Snowden for whistle-blowing on the entire US government, namely the NSA and CIA who has been tapping cell phones and sneaking a peek at Internet transactions via forced hand-overs from the likes of Google and Facebook utilizing a program called PRISM, the

Quantum Microphone Picks Up Link Between Light and Sound

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Recording the ‘music’ of the Universe just got a lot more interesting thanks to some scientists from Chalmers who have now demonstrated sound still exists even at the level of ‘quantum quietness.’ Like beat boxers and DJs spinning a record to make virtual sound in a microscopic recording studio, this new

The Rockefeller Foundation’s True Plans with Golden Rice: GMO for Population Control

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times If you know a little about the Rockefeller family’s history, what at first seems like a story of a benevolent clan of wealthy individuals, intent on financially supporting cultural and agricultural development for the world, along with sundry other social endeavors, gives way to a more sordid tale. In the

The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times If you’ve already been through an economic collapse, you might know a thing or two about how to feed your family with little money. More importantly, you might know how to do it without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO seed. On a total of about 20 million acres managed

Becoming Real and Taking Action: Eschewing Indifference

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. ~ Anais Nin In our stories of ‘once upon a time’ we are like Pinocchio turning back to wood, or like a robot that stands idly in the corner waiting

Compassion in Action: The Rule to an Expanded Consciousness and More Happiness

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” – Plato According to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we are all meant to be happy. In his words, “Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this.” The trick to true happiness may be surprising though – it

A Single Neuron Can Alter the Brain

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “I think every single person perceives things differently. We are all singular.” ~ Julia Leigh  If you’ve ever dropped a tiny pebble into a glass-smooth lake, you know that this single change can reverberate out from the middle of the body of water to the furthest reaches close to shore.

The Ego is Sneaky: 5 Ways to Know When It’s In Charge

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times If you are reading this article, it’s probable that you have read dozens, if not hundreds of books and articles on spirituality. You may have studied numerous traditions, and sought the help of a master from any number of traditions. Or, maybe you’ve stuck with just one, diligently. The

Censorship Abounds: The Handful of Companies That Control Your Perceptions

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Almost all the media channels you watch are controlling your perception of reality – namely to get you to value their commodities (goods and services) instead of yourself and your own morals and values. This affects you at every level, from the food you eat, the friends you are

Fight GMO: 7 Easy Steps to Start Saving Your Own Seed

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Does your Aunt Martha grow the best organic Meyer lemons in all of Florida? Do you have a favorite tomato plant in your yard that was grown from heirloom seed, and was never treated with chemical fertilizer? Do you buy your produce like lettuces, avocado, kale and green onions

What Everyone Needs to Know About Monsanto Before It’s Too Late

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Sometimes called Mon-satan, there is a reason that people are up in arms about Monsanto, more than any other Big Pharma company. Monsanto is to be dealt with swiftly – more than Dow Chemical, more than Syngenta, more than the hundreds of other companies that have been against GMO

What Love Does to the Human Brain

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times What Love Does to Us Falling in love results in the very same neural response that ignites the brain when people do heavy narcotics. It is impeccably addictive and this is why ‘falling out of love’ feels so bad, but, love in its highest form is more than a

The Shady Past of The Rockefeller Family & Its Haunting Effect on the World

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times  Perhaps you have heard of the Rockefellers, and the often romantic tale told of the riches that accompany their mark on Americana. John Davidson Rockefeller, (1839-1937) the patriarch of the family, was the first billionaire in the United States. Often we are told he lived the American dream, pulling himself

How To Inspire Environmental Responsibility When Walmart Dumps Tons of Poisons Illegally

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Walmart is one of the largest retailers in America, employing millions with minimum-wage jobs, and offering cheap goods and services from a Big Box corporate model. In a six-count offense confession, they have pleaded guilty to dumping chlorine, ammonium sulfate, fertilizers, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals into the local

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