Search Results for christina sarich

Study Proves Extrasensory Mind-to-Mind Interaction at a Distance

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times A group of international neuroscientists and robotics engineers have discovered for the first time that human brains can indeed ‘talk’ directly to one another, even from thousands of miles away. A brain-to-brain communication study conducted in coordination with Harvard Medical School has proven that extrasensory mind-to mind interaction can happen over great

Turning Adversity Into Alchemy

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “All adversities are here to help you. They can become instruments of your progress.”  ~ Swami Rama Would you return a really expensive gift from a friend that you’ve coveted for ages? What about the opportunity to uncover one of your own personal assets, long hidden by years of accumulated

Elon Musk Reveals Open Source Design for 14,000 Mile-an-Hour Vacuum Tube Railroad

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times No, you didn’t read that wrong. Paypal co-creator and Tesla Motors Wunderkind thinks that California just wasted $63 billion on a mass transit rail that only goes 164 miles an hour when a 14,000-mile-an-hour pneumatic railroad could be built for 1/10th that amount to take someone from Los Angeles to

Neuroscience Shows How Meditation Can Vanquish Mental Disorders

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Can mindfulness practice (meditation) help vanquish mental disorders? According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 7.7 million Americans suffer from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – approximately 3.3% of the US population when combined. Of these, approximately 40% of the individuals with schizophrenia and 51% of those with bipolar are untreated

Monsanto Ordered to Pay $93 Million to Small Town for Poisoning Citizens

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Big wins can happen in small places. The West Virginia State Supreme Court finalized a big blow to the biotech giant Monsanto this month, finishing a settlement causing Monsanto to pay $93 million to the tiny town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning citizens with Agent Orange chemicals. The settlement was approved

Finding the God Pattern, Not the God Particle

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “In modern physics, there is no such thing as “nothing.” Even in a perfect vacuum, pairs of virtual particles are constantly being created and destroyed. The existence of these particles is no mathematical fiction. Though they cannot be directly observed, the effects they create are quite real. The assumption

The Morphogenetic Field & The Future of DNA

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times Our genes have long been ballyhooed as either a death-sentence, or the Midas touch of genius, bestowing upon us pristine health and an agile mind, or the deterministic outcome of cancer, neurological disease, or various other birth ‘defects’, but what if there was something else helping to determine our fate?

How to Purify Water With Seeds from the Moringa Tree

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times A whopping 780 million people around the world can’t take a clean, pure glass of water to their lips to quench their thirst. Purifying water can be expensive and cumbersome in many countries, and without access to clean water or sanitation, disease runs rampant, and many people die unnecessarily

Can We Reprogram Our DNA and Heal Ourselves With Frequency, Vibration and Energy?

Christina Sarich & Dylan Charles, Staff Waking Times As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our ‘junk’ DNA was anything but disposable, researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute have proven that 97 percent of human DNA programs or encodes proteins in our bodies. One of the

Gemstones & Menhirs for Adjusting the Auric Field

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Humankind once was tuned to their own vibrations to such an extent that they needed little help adjusting when things were a little ‘off.’ Our cure came from within. We would sit in silence and know that something was bubbling up that we needed to clear, or that somehow our

Citizen Corporation – The Mutation of ‘Personhood’

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times If you gave a rock the same power to make important decisions as a person, the sentient ability of this inanimate object would cause less harm than giving a corporation the impetus to demand ‘rights’ the same as a human being. A rock lies still. It harms no one.

Did the Government Give Industrial Hemp a Pass to Clean Up Radiation in the State?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Activists have been shouting they want an end to GMO foods for more than a decade now, and Cannabis Sattiva L. supporters have been at it for even longer, so why has the US government finally given farmers the right to legally grow industrial hemp, the non-hallucinatory, sister plant of

Nano-Bots, Mind Control & Trans-Humanism – The Future of Consciousness?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our

What It Really Means to Be a Seeker of TRUTH

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times We are all whistleblowers if we want to be. It starts with keeping ourselves accountable. As I watch my own mother decline in a state of extended, deteriorating health, a woman who was couched in the modern medical paradigm as a registered nurse, and who once helped the local

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