From Crisis to Crisis… Just Like Skipping Rocks
Dylan Charles – There are severe restrictions on your ability to fully realize your human-ness.
Dylan Charles – There are severe restrictions on your ability to fully realize your human-ness.
Alexis Brooks – When looking at the “worse” of reality, why on Earth would God build “the bad” into this intelligent design?
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead – We are living in a world carefully crafted to resemble a representative democracy, but it’s an illusion.
Dylan is joined by master Qigong teacher and author Dr. Roger Jahnke.
Dylan Charles – It is rare that I get a chance to speak exclusively about my perspectives and experiences with Ayahuasca, and in this conversation we did just that.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Clowns to the left of us, jokers to the right, and the entire nation is stuck in the middle.
Dylan Charles – Self-sabotage is a gift to the elite. It puts you on the sideline of life and has you constantly burning your energy in a permanent war against yourself.
Dylan Charles – The old normal ain’t coming back, friends. Time to move on together.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We enter into self-transformation to prevent getting stuck in self-preservation.
Rev. Gary W. Duncan – Intermittently, I had been working with these specific ritual practices throughout the years eager to find some resolution, but none emerged.
Julian Rose – Be bold, brave and bright this Christmas – or don’t celebrate it at all. Don’t be just another hypocrite.
Gary Z McGee – The integrated shadow in me recognizes and honors the integrated shadow in you.
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead – Who gets to decide when it comes to bodily autonomy?
Neenah Payne – There is a science to creating the conditions for mass psychosis.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Most of us live life half-alive, or half-dead, depending on how you look at it. Quiet desperation tends to rule the day.
Dylan Charles – Hypnosis is a real, teachable skill, and it’s used against you everyday to influence your life and manipulate your behavior.
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead – Welcome to the Matrix, where reality is virtual, freedom is only as free as one’s technological overlords allow, and artificial intelligence is slowly rendering humanity unnecessary, inferior and obsolete.
Dylan Charles – They want you to ignore the evidence of your own eyes and willing participate in your own spiritual demise.
Julian Rose – It takes considerable spiritual maturity to fully embrace the fact that death is not an ending, but simply a new chapter in the evolution of spirit.
Dylan Charles – The world has fallen under a spell.