A Spiritual War? – Dylan Charles on Higher Journeys
Dylan Charles – How is your spirit affected by the insanity coming at us everyday?
Dylan Charles – How is your spirit affected by the insanity coming at us everyday?
Dylan Charles – Cultural changes are often brought about by a concerted media effort. Social engineering 101.
Dylan Charles – So, how did we go from rugged individualism to ‘acquiescing to whatever they throw at us is awesome?”
Dylan Charles – It must be a spiritual illness which plagues society.
Dylan Charles
– The author of Brave New World left a warning for those who love liberty.
Dylan Charles – Never forget what people are capable of doing and becoming when influenced by scientifically engineered mass propaganda.
Dylan Charles – This conversation serves to bring light to how world events are affecting people like you and I.
Patrick Henningsen – The last 250 years have been an extraordinary progression from monarchies to democratic nations, in which the state eventually assumed a god-like status.
Dr. Timothy Coles – Rockefeller’s profit-making agenda included the promotion of so-called “scientific medicine,” which has now become the norm.
Dylan Charles – There’s a profound sense of mental and spiritual clarity which continues to deepen with each day of sobriety.
Dylan Charles – How do you condition people to destroy themselves, and why is it such an international priority?
Dylan Charles – In our quest for more knowledge we seek the comfort and sense of security we think we can find by knowing that we’re not alone.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Here are a few next-level strategies for becoming a necessary glitch in the unnecessary Matrix.
Dylan Charles – Most people are not shamans. They are not sages or gurus or ascetics. They are not masters or spiritual leaders or even thought leaders.
Dylan Charles – If you can relate it means your spirit has taken a beatdown in this wildly chaotic, confusing, frustrating and dysfunctional society we live in.
Dylan Charles – Recently I had the tremendous honor of being guest with Jay Campbell on his podcast.
Dylan Charles – There is a form of communication in our world that is ubiquitous yet nearly completely beyond the recognition of most people.
Dylan Charles – The immaterial things which make our lives truly worth something are systematically debased by the culture of exploitation and superficiality built up all around us.
Dylan Charles – If enrolling the whole world in a homogenized, centrally-managed, mono-culture slave plantation was put to vote, it wouldn’t happen.