Search Results for chi master

Between Awake and Asleep – Achieving Deep Relaxation with Qi Gong

Ramel Rones, David Silver of YMAA Waking Times  Most Eastern arts seek ways for the practitioner to spend more time in a deeply relaxed state, that is, with a meditative mind. This deep level of meditation is an essential step for achievement in all Eastern disciplines: seeking enlightenment (meditation), better performance (Kung Fu), higher quality

An Introduction to the Tao Te Ching

Waking Times The Tao te Ching is an ancient scripture written around the 6th century BC by Lao Tzu, the renowned “Old Master”.  The wisdom of the this ancient treatise on the cosmos helps us to understand how the fundamental forces of the universe itself are mirrored in our own inner structure and it gives us

Anarchism Is Not What You Think It Is — And There’s a Whole Lot We Can Learn from It

He spent the rest of his life promoting that concept and the theory of social structure known as anarchism. To Americans anarchism is synonymous with a lack of order. But to Kropotkin anarchist societies don’t lack order but the order emerges from rules designed by those who feel their impact, rules that encourage humanly scaled production systems and maximize individual freedom and social cohesion.

China’s Ancient Solution to the Crisis in Modern Medicine

Today, there are few clinical situations in China where either traditional Chinese medicine or Western methods are delivered alone. For example, in many rural clinics, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage are easy and inexpensive to deliver, but Western medicine is difficult and expensive to provide. A few specialty institutions in large cities exclusively use technological Western diagnostic methods, and follow up with primarily Western intervention procedures. However, most institutions that focus on Western methods typically have acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicine also available to reduce pain, mediate the side effects of medications, and support patients with regulation of sleep, bowel disturbances, pain, anxiety, and nausea.

12 Things Every Guy Should Master to Become a Real Man

Try not to become a man of success, try to become a man of value. Einstein said that. I think that’s true and important. If you fill your days with doing something that pays the bills but is essentially meaningless you are wasting your precious life. A real man has the balls to travel outside his comfort zone to make a sincere attempt to contribute to mankind. He works for the greater good instead of for the sake of protection of his self image and clinging to the illusion of safety.

The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism

Veg Love Waking Times  You can indeed reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about

The Precarious Nature of Ayahuasca

Jonathon Miller-Weisberger – Western audiences are just beginning to understand the challenges of working with ayahuasca.
