Mind Control Achieved Through the “Information Flicker Effect”
Jon Rappoport – I’m not talking about the flicker of the television picture.
Jon Rappoport – I’m not talking about the flicker of the television picture.
Isaac Davis – Should we be focused on the puppets, or on their masters?
Alex Vandenberg – What kind of beings are we conjuring up from the depths of the psyche to rule over us?
Jon Rappoport – The so-called “chemical-imbalance” theory of mental illness is dead.
John W. Whitehead – It’s hard to tell young people that we live in a nation that values freedom, which is governed by the rule of law.
Vic Bishop – These short clips show that age has no place in ancient Eastern practices of body arts. These masters are ageless.
Video – This video focuses on the Invisible Counselors Technique, a visualization technique to help one find inspiration for new ideas, creations and achievements.
Video – A CT scan has not only revealed a mummified monk inside a statue, but showed an unusual substitution of the monk’s removed organs.
Video – This master tonic is an amazing natural cure for colds, flus, and respiratory problems. It an anti-allergy, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitical, and a general booster for the immune support system.
John W. Whitehead – Today, there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence—especially not when the government can listen in on your phone calls, monitor your driving habits, track your movements, scrutinize your purchases and peer through the walls of your home.
Sam Mitriani – Before the 19th century, there were no police forces that we would recognize as such anywhere in the world.
Will Stanton – Teachers have become repeaters of information. They are merely regurgitating everything they once learned from their own teachers, and perpetuating the recycling of information…
Jeremy Hance – Bangladesh struggles to deal with devastating oil spill in world’s largest mangrove forest, home to dolphins and tigers…
Mehmet Sabeheddin – Audiences around the world have been entertained by wild and colourful portrayals of Chinese secret societies…
John Chambers – Does the warrior, politician, prognosticator of the future and explorer of ancient “New Age” lore known as Liu Ji or Liu Bowen have the right to be called “the Chinese Nostradamus?”
Brandon West – “Truly great spiritual teachers never practiced religion, they practiced love, and sought universal truth…”
Audio – A powerful song by Bob Dylan, “Masters of War,” pretty much sums up how many of us feel about the masterminds and corporations that continue to feed the war machine.
Deidre Madsen, O.M., Contributor Waking Times Environmental conditions can often produce a hyper-sensitive empath. When I came into the world aware in-vitro, I acquired a hyper-vigilant survival mechanism of empathically and psychically needing to connect with everyone around me to gauge their behavior / mood / thought patterns, thus strengthening my “intuitive muscles” over time …
Rod Morin, Contributor Waking Times Many, many, sages, scholars, researchers and laymen have attempted to answer the perplexing question of – What is Chi? The simplistic answer most often used is that Chi is “vital energy” or Chi is the “life force”, but this answer falls well short of addressing the apparent complexity of Chi. …
Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times From birth, virtually all of us have been brainwashed through various outlets that encourage materialism, ego, subservience, control and conformity. But where do the origins of mind control begin and what can we do about it? 1. Religion As children, the brainwashing begins in the church when we …