Search Results for chi master

7 Ways To Jumpstart A Dead Life

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – It’s time to shock the system. Here are seven inexhaustible ways to jumpstart a dead life.

Zen In The Trenches

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Zen is ultimately undefinable. It’s paradoxical. It’s a bridge between the unanswerable question and the unknowable answer.

The Harmony Of Nonconformity

Jason Gregory – When individuals are forced by society and culture into life situations that are against their will, they give away their natural sovereignty.

Farmer Bill And The Great Reset

Dr. Mercola – Bill Gates has been buying up farmland across the U.S. He currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland, plus another 27,000 acres of nonagricultural land.

Will You Obey the Criminal Authoritarians?

Dr. Mercola – In 1962, in a now infamous experiment shown in the video above, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram tested the limits of human obedience to authority.
