Search Results for chakras

The Brain, Perception and the Holographic Universe

Zen Gardner The brain is a hunk of flesh. Amazing transceiver, but working on the fleshly side, like our bodies. It interprets. It is not spirit, it is alive but not life. It is not perception, in any way, shape or form. Yet it perceives at its own level. We, however, are consciousness. And here

Yoga At the Source

Up until a few years ago, Yoga for me was a series of twists, bends and undulations with ludicrous new age epithets like ‘Prana Flow’, ‘Nude yoga’, ‘Shakti kicks’ and ‘Yoga trance dance’, performed in slick studios by nubile nymphs wearing fluorescent skin-tight clothing. I couldn’t quite see how cringe inducing catchphrases like ‘rock your yoga’ or ‘unleash your inner rockstar’ were going to transport me into mystical states of higher consciousness.

Adam & Eve are Yogis

The “tree of life” represents the human body, Adam represents the masculine energy in our bodies (yang in Chinese Theory) and Eve represents the feminine energy in our bodies (yin in Chinese theory). The snake or serpent represents the sexual/life-force energy inside our bodies (known as “Kundalini” in Yoga, which is also represented as a snake or serpent).

Energy and Our Energetic Fields

Decades ago, only mystics and madmen believed that there was an energy field around all living beings. Now science has actually proven that series of fields exists and that the sum total is much stronger and more potent than ever imagined. In fact, research done on this field is yielding a rich base for everything from diagnosing illness to enhancing food to creating prosperity.

The Alchemy of Food

You are, quite literally, what you eat. Eating the fruits of the earth is a beautiful becoming, an elevation of matter, as they integrate into your conscious being. The fruit is conscious itself. Molecules of the earth’s creation are re-organized and integrated into your physical and subtle energetic bodies, directing and framing your conscious experience. Becoming aware of this molecular consciousness allows you to actively co-create with the molecules you are made of. They are gifts of the earth. Create yourself with love.

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