Search Results for chakras

When Cancer Disappears: The Curious Phenomenon of Unexpected Remission

Kelly Turner, PhD, Guest Writer Waking Times We’ve all heard a story like this one. After trying all that Western medicine has to offer, a person with Stage 4 cancer is told there is nothing more the doctors can do and is sent home to receive hospice care. Five years later, that person strolls into

Transcending Extra Sensory Perception

Soren Dreier, Waking Times  I would like to go a little upstream on the subject of ESP – psychic powers or extra sensory perception by stating: It is not “extra”, it’s our basic ability. We come with it and have the potential to use it. Or not. So it’s basic: “BSP” –Basic Sensory Perception.

Homo Divinicus – The Shape of Things to Come

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times These are monumental times we’re blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early

December 2012 – Just the Beginning

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times We made it!  We got through 2012. Well – almost. THE month of THE year that has been talked about for decades is finally here. The date we’ve all  had thrust into our consciousness – December 21is the date of the ‘Galactic Alignment.’ The what – you may ask?

Human Origins

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times How did we really evolve? On the surface, our evolution step-by-step from the apes has been heavily researched and documented. Anthropologists would have us believe our original ancestors were two legged homonoids that first stood upright around 4 million years ago. And yet there are still many missing links

Electromagnetic Energy

Electromagnetic Energy Pollution

Electromagnetic energy patterns and vibrations surrounding us and moving through us have a profound effect on our physical bodies.

The Endorphin Effect… Our Saving Grace

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times What brings you joy in life? The world is moving through challenging times. Sometimes events and circumstances can get heavy. Whilst processing our stuff is positive, dwelling too heavily in it is counterproductive. It can drag us down. So how might we keep our heads above water? How can we

How We Create Our Experience

Kelly Niven Waking Times I would like to explain to you how we are creating everything that is happening to us.  I will also explain how our mind and body are connected.  When you really get this you will hopefully have a light bulb moment and it will become clearer for you to see your

The Lotus Sutra – Helping the Heart to Blossom

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times In Mahayana Buddhism there is a beautiful teaching called the Lotus Sutra, or Saddharma Pundarīka Sūtra. It is translated as the ‘rule of good dharma,’ like a golden rule to follow for a more prosperous and enjoyable life. It is practiced all over Asia, from China to Japan, Vietnam, Bhutan, and Tibet.

The Effect of Solar Flares on the Pineal Gland

Adonai, The Watchers Waking Times According to study published in the New Scientist back in 1998, there is a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effects. The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance — is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather —– the magnetic

The Modern Shaman: Awakening From the Slumber of Our Culture

Hank Wesselman, Guest Writer Waking Times In the Western world, when we hear the word “shaman,” most of us tend to conjure up an image of a masked and costumed indigenous tribal person, dancing around a fire in the dark, involved in some sort of mysterious ritual, accompanied by singing and drum beats. But inside

Removing Energy Implants

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times The healing of humanity Increasingly people within awakening circles are becoming aware of and speaking out about “energetic implants” in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, awakening people.

Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Pineal Gland With These Simple Exercises

Lapis Links Waking Times Editor’s Note:  This is an interesting method for awakening the Pineal Gland. Give it a try! Note: Original article edited for formatting and clarity AWAKENING I Please read all of the following. If you wish to perform this exercise, you need to understand what you will be doing. It is important to

Fire in the Belly: Manipura Chakra, Turning Power Into Peace

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times The Famous psychologist, Carl Jung, once said that Manipura chakra is where we burn through our passions and desires in order to become a completely realized individual. This chakra is the third in the system of seven conceptualized by Ayurvedic and yogic doctrines, and is also associated to Tiferet

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Paul Fassa Natural News You can rid you body of most fluorides with some easy natural remedies. Fluorides have been linked to a variety of severe chronic, even acute health issues. First a quick review summary of fluoride. Fluoride Toxicity Fluoride is a soluble salt, not a heavy metal. There are two basic types of

The Spirituality of Pets

Aluna Michaels – Animals resonate with us in a deep way that few humans can. This is due to the fact that animals do not have an ego. They don’t have “stuff” in the way of their love and their connection with the Divine.

A Mother’s Journey with Ayahuasca

Lainie, Raising Miro Waking Times The history, culture & traditions of Ayahuasca The mystical Peruvian civilization of the Upper Amazon rainforest was an host to a variety of rich cultures and traditions. These people living along the Ucayali river of the amazon rainforest are specifically called Shipipo-conibo people. For centuries, a sacred medicinal drink (brew), known as

Redefining Relationships

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times The consciousness shift is causing untold pressure.  Our consciousness shift is hotting up. People are unwinding, unfolding and breaking free from eons of constraint. It’s a truly wonderful movement to behold. I feel blessed to be here during these times of profound change. But it’s a double edged sword

Pharmaceutical Drug Interactions: Creating A National Mental Health Crisis

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times Pharmaceutical drug interactions have not been studied closely by the Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex for two reasons. First, there are simply so many pharmaceutical medications on the market that the cost to do so would be prohibitive. Prohibitive to their profit-taking, certainly not prohibitive relative to the enormous revenues that

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