Search Results for chakras

Threes and Sevens in World Myth, Religion and Folklore

Julian Websdale, Contributor Waking Times Divine Triads The best known example of the triad is the Father (Godhead), Son and Holy Ghost of Christianity. But there was also the ancient Egyptian divine triad of Osiris, Isis and Horus, and the ancient Druid holy triad of Beli, Taran and Esus, not to mention the three great gods

The Mystical School

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times The goal of the mystical school is the completed person.  The completed person has added a degree of spiritual development to their other capacities.  This spiritual development is accomplished through an interaction between the Master, the student and Path. The school exists to help make the world a better

Alien Intervention and Souls: A look into the Reality of Human Life

Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times The reality of the existence of ancient extra terrestrials is becoming more apparent by the most recent findings presented by scientists and archaeologists. Notably, among the most recent and significant is The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens, Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo, The Sirius Documentary by Dr. Steven Greer, the

Activating Your Pineal Gland

Eden Shetiyah, In5D Guest Waking Times Having trouble meditating, or remembering your dreams, or just feeling lost and disconnected from the Source? The problem may be a blocked (or calcified) pineal gland. The pineal gland, referred to as the Third Eye, the Eye of Horus or the Seat of the Soul, is a small pine cone shaped

The Spiritual Meaning Of Colors

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Why are we attracted to specific colors and what do they mean spiritually? Visible Light Frequencies According to David Icke, we are only capable of seeing a limited range of colors and we are unable to see the frequency range beyond visible light. Icke believes that certain races of

The Hidden Cost of “Free Energy”

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times There’s much being spoken currently about so called “Free Energy”. In other words manifesting energy from the zero point field and how this might be the solution to mankind’s energy problems; how it might help heal Planet Earth by developing a sustainable solution. To me it is a deceptive

Meditation and “Drugs”

Jay Michaelson, Reality Sandwich Waking Times It’s a not-so-dirty little secret that most of today’s leading meditation teachers were interested in drugs. By “drugs,” of course, I don’t mean alcohol or Oxycontin, but rather that subset of chemicals which our society has deemed unfit for human consumption, including cannabis, psilocybin, MDMA, and others. Many of today’s

The Uncharted Territory of Remote Healing

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Part 2 of this series on the phenomenon of remote healing can be read, here. There was a time in the US when chiropractors were looked at with suspicion, homeopaths and herbalists were considered quacks, and naturopaths, acupuncturists, ayurvedic medicine practitioners, rolfers… these were unheard of. Well, things change. Alternative medicine

The Mind Blowing Power of Mantra Yoga

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times Mantra yoga goes hand in hand with the Vedic sciences as well as Tantra, but it has been practiced in many forms by multiple cultures throughout the world. Gregorian chants are also a form of mantra, meant to elevate the consciousness. The Vedas (Rig Veda, etc.) themselves are mantras, and

A New Look at the Five Rites of Rejuvenation

James Borges, Borderlands Waking Times The Five Rites are a form of simple stretches that among many things stimulate the gland of the body to increase in vitality and stamina. The Rites are not rigorous exercises. The Five Rites are simple postures that activate the body’s nervous system on the etheric level to restore optimal

To Your Nature Be True

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times  “Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?” – Marcus Aurelius If you look back on the life you have lived until now, you will see that everything you have experienced, every choice, every turn, every chance encounter and

Mysteries Of The Pineal Gland

Dr. Swami Karmananda Saraswati, MB, BS (Syd), YogaMag Waking Times Scientists have been mystified by the pineal gland for centuries. As the brain and central nervous and endocrine systems were progressively unravelled by the anatomists, physiologists and biochemists, the pineal gland resolutely refused to yield up its secrets. Until recently the scientific community regarded it

Your Body Is A Mirror Of Your Life

Martin Brofman, Guest Writer Waking Times Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being. You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. You decide what to

Being The Change, Tipping Points and Monkeys On the Loose

Zen Gardner Waking Times So many are asking, “What can I do? How can I make a difference? How do I go about helping to effect the changes the world so direly needs?” Good questions. I repeatedly say to people to get conscious and you’ll know what to do. What does that mean? Gain empowering

yoga breathing

How Yoga Breathing Keeps You Healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times The breath – a simple action often forgotten throughout the day – is a simple way to improve your overall health, all of the body’s functions, and your emotional outlook. By giving consideration to the purpose, mechanics and awareness of breath, we can greatly improve mind, body and spirit. The

The Spiritual Nature of Hair

Deva Kaur Khalsa, 3ho Waking Times “Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been depriving ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality.” –Yogi Bhajan Consider the possibility that the hair on your head is there to do more than

Awakening to Divine Human Consciousness

Peter Borys Jr., Guest Writer Waking Times In our journey to become a higher expression of our true consciousness in Divine Being, we often use language that includes words such as “healing,” “transformation,” and “evolution” to describe a process of change. Because we are moving from one frequency of consciousness to another, we perceive this

The Sun – An Essential Element of Good Health

David Huting, Guest Writer Waking Times  “Along with food, air, and water, sunlight is the most important survival factor in human life.” -The National Institute of Mental Health In the past 100 years, the majority of people around the world have transitioned from working outside all day to being stuck inside, with artificial lighting. 100

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